Random Jabber Jibber thread

A violent monkey has left one family in an Indian village devastated after it grabbed their three-month-old son and threw him off a roof as they helplessly watched on A newborn baby has died after he was violently thrown off a roof by a monkey while his horrified parents looked on.

I'd love to read this, but apparently I've reached my limit of free articles. Fuckin' NYT...

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Ann Shulgin, Who Explored Psychedelics With Her Husband, Dies at 91
The couple advocated the use of hallucinogens in psychotherapy and documented their experiences with hundreds of drugs in two widely read books.

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Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.

Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.Credit...Alexander Shulgin/Shulgin Family Trust, via Associated Press

Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.

Clay Risen

By Clay Risen
July 19, 2022
Ann Shulgin, who alongside her husband, Alexander Shulgin, developed and experimented with hundreds of psychedelic drugs that he concocted in his California laboratory, then showed readers how to formulate them in a pair of massive books that attracted a cult following, died on July 9 at her home near Lafayette, Calif. She was 91.
Her daughter Wendy Tucker confirmed the death.
People who use themselves as guinea pigs to research new psychoactive drugs, or to explore the mind-altering capacities of existing ones, are known as psychonauts, and the Shulgins were among the world’s most experienced: Ms. Shulgin claimed to have experienced 2,000 drug-induced psychedelic episodes, an astounding number that pales only in comparison to her husband’s 4,000.
They took their work seriously. Whenever Alexander Shulgin, known as Sasha, who had a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, would concoct a new drug, Ms. Shulgin would give it a try, at a minuscule dose. If it seemed to have an effect, they would convene a panel of friends — fellow chemists, psychiatrists and anthropologists — to test it at higher dosages.

One of their friends, the psychologist and noted fellow psychonaut Timothy Leary, told The Los Angeles Times in 1995, “I consider Shulgin and his wife to be two of the most important scientists of the 20th century.”

They believed that psychedelic drugs held immense promise for use in psychotherapy, and Ms. Shulgin employed drugs like MDMA, better known as Ecstasy or Molly, with her clients for years as a lay therapist. For decades that belief put them far outside the mainstream, but it turns out they were simply ahead of their time: Researchers and therapists have recently begun to embrace the use of hallucinogens, including Ecstasy, in small doses to treat a range of psychological disorders.

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.Credit...Dale Gross/Shulgin Family Trust, via Associated Press

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.

“Sasha and I work pretty much as a team,” Ms. Shulgin said in a 2001 interview with the French newspaper Libération, published in English on Erowid, a website devoted to research on psychoactive drugs. “We both have the same interests, but our viewpoints are different: He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual. We supplement each other in our writing.”
Dr. Shulgin was known as the “godfather of Ecstasy”: He didn’t invent the drug (that happened in 1912), but he was the first person to describe its potential uses in therapy. He never approved of its recreational use, not because he was a killjoy — he and his wife went to the Burning Man Festival three times — but because its abuse led governments to outlaw it.

The Shulgins were among the few researchers in the country allowed to work with federally banned drugs — so-called Schedule 1 drugs — thanks to Dr. Shulgin’s close ties with the Drug Enforcement Administration, where he was an occasional consultant. In 1981 an administrator from the agency officiated at their wedding, in his backyard.

The Shulgins’ relationship with the D.E.A. broke apart after they published their first book together, “PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story” (1991). The title stands for “Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved,” referring to a class of drugs that includes Ecstasy and mescaline.
The book is divided into two parts: first a thinly veiled autobiography, then a do-it-yourself guide to making some 170 drugs, a feature that made this self-published volume an underground hit in the United States and Europe.
The feds were less enamored. In 1993 they raided Dr. Shulgin’s laboratory, fined him $25,000 and took away his Schedule 1 license.
From then on, the Shulgins insisted, they never experimented with proscribed drugs, just the new ones that Dr. Shulgin devised, which remained legal until they were added to the Schedule 1 list.
In any case, their focus was on breaking new ground.
“Inventing new psychoactive drugs,” Ms. Shulgin told The Los Angeles Times in 1995, “is like composing new music.”

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”Credit...Wendy Tucker, via Associated Press

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”

Laura Ann Gotlieb was born on March 22, 1931, in Wellington, New Zealand, where her father, Bernard Gotlieb, an American diplomat, was serving as consul. Her mother, Gwen (Ormiston) Gotlieb, a native New Zealander, was a homemaker.

The Gotliebs moved often: to Sicily, followed by several years in Trieste, Italy; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico; Santiago, Cuba; and Windsor, Ontario. After Mr. Gotlieb retired, they settled in San Francisco, where Ann took art classes and worked as a medical transcriber.
She took her first psychedelic trip in the early 1960s, at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. “We stopped and looked around us at the earth, the sky and each other, then I saw something forming in the air, slightly above the level of my head,” she recalled in “PiHKAL.” “It was a moving spiral opening, up there in the cool air, and I knew it was a doorway to the other side of existence.”
Her first three marriages ended in divorce. Dr. Shulgin died in 2014. Along with her daughter Ms. Tucker, she is survived by another daughter, Alice Garofalo; two sons, Christopher McRee and Brian Perry; eight grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
After the success of “PiHKAL,” the couple wrote a second volume, “TiHKAL: The Continuation” (1997). The T stands for tryptamines, which include psilocybin and other hallucinogens.
While Dr. Shulgin was primarily interested in drugs for their consciousness-expanding capacities, Ms. Shulgin prized them for allowing people to look inward.
Though she had no formal training, she considered herself a lay therapist in the Jungian tradition, and she incorporated Ecstasy and other drugs in her practice as a way to help her clients confront repressed emotions, memories and self-impressions.
“MDMA is an insight drug,” she said in one interview. “That is its major function. Insight without self-hatred. It allows you to really love yourself and appreciate what you are.”

Clay Risen is an obituaries reporter for The New York Times. Previously, he was a senior editor on the Politics desk and a deputy op-ed editor on the Opinion desk. He is the author, most recently, of "Bourbon: The Story of Kentucky Whiskey." @risenc
A version of this article appears in print on July 20, 2022, Section A, Page 21 of the New York edition with the headline: Ann Shulgin, 91; Explored Psychedelics and Took Readers Along for the Trips.
I did not adjust for paragraphs. Cut paste only.

Ann Shulgin, Who Explored Psychedelics With Her Husband, Dies at 91
The couple advocated the use of hallucinogens in psychotherapy and documented their experiences with hundreds of drugs in two widely read books.

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Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.

Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.Credit...Alexander Shulgin/Shulgin Family Trust, via Associated Press

Ann Shulgin in 1979. She experimented with psychedelic drugs and promoted their use in psychotherapy.

Clay Risen

By Clay Risen
July 19, 2022
Ann Shulgin, who alongside her husband, Alexander Shulgin, developed and experimented with hundreds of psychedelic drugs that he concocted in his California laboratory, then showed readers how to formulate them in a pair of massive books that attracted a cult following, died on July 9 at her home near Lafayette, Calif. She was 91.
Her daughter Wendy Tucker confirmed the death.
People who use themselves as guinea pigs to research new psychoactive drugs, or to explore the mind-altering capacities of existing ones, are known as psychonauts, and the Shulgins were among the world’s most experienced: Ms. Shulgin claimed to have experienced 2,000 drug-induced psychedelic episodes, an astounding number that pales only in comparison to her husband’s 4,000.
They took their work seriously. Whenever Alexander Shulgin, known as Sasha, who had a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, would concoct a new drug, Ms. Shulgin would give it a try, at a minuscule dose. If it seemed to have an effect, they would convene a panel of friends — fellow chemists, psychiatrists and anthropologists — to test it at higher dosages.

One of their friends, the psychologist and noted fellow psychonaut Timothy Leary, told The Los Angeles Times in 1995, “I consider Shulgin and his wife to be two of the most important scientists of the 20th century.”

They believed that psychedelic drugs held immense promise for use in psychotherapy, and Ms. Shulgin employed drugs like MDMA, better known as Ecstasy or Molly, with her clients for years as a lay therapist. For decades that belief put them far outside the mainstream, but it turns out they were simply ahead of their time: Researchers and therapists have recently begun to embrace the use of hallucinogens, including Ecstasy, in small doses to treat a range of psychological disorders.

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.Credit...Dale Gross/Shulgin Family Trust, via Associated Press

Ms. Shulgin and her husband, Alexander, in 1979. When he invented new drugs, she would give them a try.

“Sasha and I work pretty much as a team,” Ms. Shulgin said in a 2001 interview with the French newspaper Libération, published in English on Erowid, a website devoted to research on psychoactive drugs. “We both have the same interests, but our viewpoints are different: He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual. We supplement each other in our writing.”
Dr. Shulgin was known as the “godfather of Ecstasy”: He didn’t invent the drug (that happened in 1912), but he was the first person to describe its potential uses in therapy. He never approved of its recreational use, not because he was a killjoy — he and his wife went to the Burning Man Festival three times — but because its abuse led governments to outlaw it.

The Shulgins were among the few researchers in the country allowed to work with federally banned drugs — so-called Schedule 1 drugs — thanks to Dr. Shulgin’s close ties with the Drug Enforcement Administration, where he was an occasional consultant. In 1981 an administrator from the agency officiated at their wedding, in his backyard.

The Shulgins’ relationship with the D.E.A. broke apart after they published their first book together, “PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story” (1991). The title stands for “Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved,” referring to a class of drugs that includes Ecstasy and mescaline.
The book is divided into two parts: first a thinly veiled autobiography, then a do-it-yourself guide to making some 170 drugs, a feature that made this self-published volume an underground hit in the United States and Europe.
The feds were less enamored. In 1993 they raided Dr. Shulgin’s laboratory, fined him $25,000 and took away his Schedule 1 license.
From then on, the Shulgins insisted, they never experimented with proscribed drugs, just the new ones that Dr. Shulgin devised, which remained legal until they were added to the Schedule 1 list.
In any case, their focus was on breaking new ground.
“Inventing new psychoactive drugs,” Ms. Shulgin told The Los Angeles Times in 1995, “is like composing new music.”

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”Credit...Wendy Tucker, via Associated Press

Ms. Shulgin at her home in California in 2021. She and her husband complemented each other’s strengths, she said: “He has the scientific viewpoint, and I have the psychological and the spiritual.”

Laura Ann Gotlieb was born on March 22, 1931, in Wellington, New Zealand, where her father, Bernard Gotlieb, an American diplomat, was serving as consul. Her mother, Gwen (Ormiston) Gotlieb, a native New Zealander, was a homemaker.

The Gotliebs moved often: to Sicily, followed by several years in Trieste, Italy; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico; Santiago, Cuba; and Windsor, Ontario. After Mr. Gotlieb retired, they settled in San Francisco, where Ann took art classes and worked as a medical transcriber.
She took her first psychedelic trip in the early 1960s, at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. “We stopped and looked around us at the earth, the sky and each other, then I saw something forming in the air, slightly above the level of my head,” she recalled in “PiHKAL.” “It was a moving spiral opening, up there in the cool air, and I knew it was a doorway to the other side of existence.”
Her first three marriages ended in divorce. Dr. Shulgin died in 2014. Along with her daughter Ms. Tucker, she is survived by another daughter, Alice Garofalo; two sons, Christopher McRee and Brian Perry; eight grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
After the success of “PiHKAL,” the couple wrote a second volume, “TiHKAL: The Continuation” (1997). The T stands for tryptamines, which include psilocybin and other hallucinogens.
While Dr. Shulgin was primarily interested in drugs for their consciousness-expanding capacities, Ms. Shulgin prized them for allowing people to look inward.
Though she had no formal training, she considered herself a lay therapist in the Jungian tradition, and she incorporated Ecstasy and other drugs in her practice as a way to help her clients confront repressed emotions, memories and self-impressions.
“MDMA is an insight drug,” she said in one interview. “That is its major function. Insight without self-hatred. It allows you to really love yourself and appreciate what you are.”

Clay Risen is an obituaries reporter for The New York Times. Previously, he was a senior editor on the Politics desk and a deputy op-ed editor on the Opinion desk. He is the author, most recently, of "Bourbon: The Story of Kentucky Whiskey." @risenc
A version of this article appears in print on July 20, 2022, Section A, Page 21 of the New York edition with the headline: Ann Shulgin, 91; Explored Psychedelics and Took Readers Along for the Trips.

My dad's friend showed us their book, A Chemical Love Story, in the nineties. I remember him thumbing through dozens of compounds they experimented with. He worked at the Lawrence hall of science in Berkeley. I think he may have been acquaintances with some of their colleagues because along with the book he had procured a small amount of mescaline.
When my aunt told me she was going to loan her daughter some money to buy their first home I was so happy, but then I remembered my aunt is her father's daughter. My initial thought was she wasn't going to cut them any kind of great deal on interest, but when she told me she was going to offer them an interest only loan I just about shit my pants. Of course she justified it by telling me that her daughter would inherit her estate when she passes, but until then would owe her interest payments monthly! I still could not wrap my head around it. My aunt tells me she wants to teach them a lesson, but what the fuck kind of lesson is that? It's not a wonder the two dont have the closest relationship, and I am afraid this will only make things worse. As much as I dont want to be involved, I am. But I think I'm going to lay low and just watch the shit fly.
A little background on my grandfather. Born in oakland july 1926 to Scottish immigrants. At eight years old his father was selling news papers on the streets of San Francisco. And as I was told on numerous occasions he never gave my grandfather a dime until after his death.

He enlisted in the army out of high school and became a colonel after serving in Korea. He was on a boat heading to the south Pacific when the second world war ended. He was a card player, a heavy drinker, a smoker, and worked at the port of oakland while raising my father and his sisters before getting into banking and real estate. On his time off, and late into his retirement he enjoyed socializing, drinking high balls and playing Gin with his staunchly conservative "good ol' boy" friends at sequoia country club just blocks away from his home on Briar Cliff Road. He was shrewd, and a hard nosed businessman, even a bit dishonest at times. He viewed his service as the best thing that ever happened to him and felt everything he had was owed to the army. He wanted that same experience for all three of his children. Unfortunately, I dont think he ever got over the fact that none of them served.

As far as people go, I dont think you find two that were more dislike than my father's parents. Its hard to say why one kid will be more like one parent or another. Who was more impressionable at what point, or what events shaped their character the most. But you can begin to understand where my aunt got her business savvy from.
When my aunt told me she was going to loan her daughter some money to buy their first home I was so happy, but then I remembered my aunt is her father's daughter. My initial thought was she wasn't going to cut them any kind of great deal on interest, but when she told me she was going to offer them an interest only loan I just about shit my pants. Of course she justified it by telling me that her daughter would inherit her estate when she passes, but until then would owe her interest payments monthly! I still could not wrap my head around it. My aunt tells me she wants to teach them a lesson, but what the fuck kind of lesson is that? It's not a wonder the two dont have the closest relationship, and I am afraid this will only make things worse. As much as I dont want to be involved, I am. But I think I'm going to lay low and just watch the shit fly.
Thankfully once she owns the house and has built credit she can refinance and kick that loan to the curb.
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Although i was too young to remember my own parent's divorce, I have no doubt the trauma it causes among families. Rarely
has anyone been immune from the plague of a legal seperation at some point in their life time.

Growing up, My mother's parents, much like my father's, seemed so different it was hard to ever imagine them living together, let alone being married to each other. Like it was a different life time, long ago. Though as little as a decade had passed, beyond old photos and stories, their pasts together were alien to me. From what my mother tells me, ther parents were absolutely "kick the dog" miserable together. Until recently I always assumed they grew apart over the years and that no single event led to their separation.

Who doesnt enjoy a good omelette? My mother's father certainly did. It was tradition for him to wake up on Saturday morning and cook a large omelette for the family to enjoy. Sauteing all his favorite ingredients, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, ham, cheese... heaping them all in the middle of the pan, before finally wrapping it all up in a blanket of eggs and dividing it into three pieces. Reserving the middle with all the good stuff for himself. A selfish act, that im sure was reminiscent of my grandparents entire relationship, was on that morning their final undoing.

Being a teenager at the time, I can only imagine the fraught, and despair my mother felt at the kitchen table that morning. Her future bright, but now left in the limbo of a divorce. They would later move to plumas county where my grandmother remarried, and I was eventually born. They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach....well it could also be the quickest way to a divorce. I guess my point being, if you find someone you love, give them the middle of your omelette.
Thankfully once she owns the house and has built credit she can refinance and kick that loan to the curb.
For sure, I think most importantly they get their family out of their small rental situation. Although we did it growing up, having one bathroom and two boys feels like a foreign concept now. My poor mother. Which reminds me, I'd better call her. I wont tell her what reminded me, can you imagine? haha.

Actaully, much like you, she has a great sense humor too.