Random Jabber Jibber thread

I am tending to think it's the beef and not me so that probably a good idea. Plus burger has been crazy expensive. It would be cheapoer to grind it myself, with a big enough grinder. Here we go...LOL. Nope, enough irons in the fire!

Pain management tomorrow. I'm asking for a MJ card! I would be getting a cortisone shot to the shoulder...Its's been 3 months, but have to wait another month because I got the vaccine. It's really not been killing me. I switched to Aleve...Not sure of that's helping, but it's less bothersome. Could be the dabs too :eyesmoke::sleep:

I won't be dabbing any more pressed full melt bubble hash, unless I need to become comatose! Youch!

I love how passionate you are in pursuit of your interests!
After weeks of “almost nothing” (hearing jets and not seeing them) today has already been a banner day for the “permanent airshow”.

First, two jetliner types in white, four and two engines.

Then I lucked onto a -22 that flew low enough that I could track it headed north to the playground.

Then two -18s in tight formation passing directly overhead at no more than 3000 feet.

But wait-there’s more! I heard an odd-sounding piston engine and found it attached to a motorglider! I saw it later, engine retracted, hunting for thermals.

And to put the cherry on top, something gray passed overhead at middling (ten to fifteen thousand agl) altitude, making that soft sound of a jet throttled back for descent. When I glassed it ... wait, I’ve seen that shape ... a U-2 in its gray working clothes. I ran in to get the phone for a pic, but could not see it. It was headed toward a brighter background, and that wipes out contrast.

This exemplar did not have the underwing pods.


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