Random hole on fan leaf?


So I just watered her yesterday. I didn't notice any signs of this before or anything. I have 5 plants going. There are no signs of pests on any plant (including the one with the hole). What could have caused the hole?



Well-Known Member
it looks like a possibility of 3 factors
1. you have some type of bug in your grow room
2. the nutes ur using could do that
3. the plant is too close to the light
i thinks its 3 cuz i see that one leaf curling down away from the light


It's not close to the light at all. Actually I think I fucked up that fan leave because it was tucked under my screen and I pulled up up through the screen yesterday when I watered it. Maybe that's it. I'm not to worried as this is litterally the only hole I see anywhere at all on my plants. Was just curious if somebody knew what it was. Also I'm using the FF Trio. No nute burn on any leaves or anything. Searched aain for bugs but still didn't see any. Who knows. If I find some on other leaves i will worry.


Well-Known Member
I'd say wait and see if you find any other holes. IMO, that hole looks oddly symmetrical to be bug damage. But it doesn't looked burned either? What's that stuff to the upper right of the hole? If it's just a dried hard water spot, okay. But that does sort of look like leaf hopper "spit". If you don't see any more holes, you're probably right in that it was something you did (pulling through the screen perhaps?). If you do see more holes, check under leaves, look for more "spit" and update us. There are ways to nip this in the bud, so to speak :weed:

Good luck

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
do u use a foliar spray? water on the leaves can act like a magnifying glass and burn holes in leaves if ur not using a wetting agent


Well-Known Member
What worries me is not so much the hole but the little trail to the side of the hole. I looks like a leaf miner. If it is at all possible I would try to remove that one leaf just in case there is something living on it. Good luck dude


Yeah I can remove it. I don't spray but I id get a little water on a few leaves yesterday. i thought i got all the spots water drops off but I may have missed one.