Random bean


Active Member
This is a bean I threw in a pot and kinda forgot about, the natural light cycle (outside) made it flower almost immediately, not really sure what day I am, any idea? Just gave it some Dr earth for the first time today...09D7D3B9-98FD-4D42-9B50-61CD523E86C0.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's around week three or four of flower (depending on whether you count flower stretch/pre flower) as a rough estimate without knowing the strain.

Flowering plants lap up the water. I'm going through around 3l a day in a 15L pot, and during veg I used next to nothing. Was unexpected how quickly it started drinking during pre flower.

I start feeding from the bottom during flower, as I find it easier to gauge how hungry the soil is by how quickly it drinks the water in the tray. I also find that my plant usually shows stress signs for when I water from the top in large amounts. If I water once every two days from the top, I find the plant droops afterwards for six hours, but the same amount over two days spread out every 8 hours from the bottom seems to keep the plant praying and happy.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your doing okay with pests considering it was outdoors.

I put my fat monkey outside for four hours the other day while I was cleaning out the tent and it came out with strange rust spots all over it from a bug and had chunks of its leaves missing, even with Neem oil treatment.


Active Member
Wow in only 4 hours!?! That’s unreal. Thank for the advise! I will try a bottom feed here soon with this.