'WTF' is well known internet vernacular.if you're going to correct me on simple leave outs then, might as well tell me that wtf is not proper.
8th grade WTF!?! i learned that shit in the 3rd grade.'WTF' is well known internet vernacular.
being unable to utilize a simple apostrophe to make a plural noun possessive is ignorance.
maybe go retake 8th grade english.
a review...
your usage: did you hear that patriots shit lists? my dad told me that they shit out cum and lube in a frothy byproduct known as santorum.
correct usage: did you hear that rmoney will be a million times worse than obama with respect to medical cannabis? this is sure to land the guy on many patriots' shit lists.
Lets all just hope after Obama wins he does a policy switch-aroo and says "I dont have to worry getting elected again, time to have some fun and get shit done".Thousands of thoughtless sheep are now crying in their tinfoil hats. Have mercy Buck, they just all realized THEY are the real sheeple.
Gotta suck when you realize that your "cause" and it's "leaders" are nothing more than part of the same establishment that they waged a phony war on for years.
You realise that this is all positioning to get Rand "in" with the party, Paul continuing his campaign is purely to give a platform for his message, which his son will be able to push in the future as it clearly has quite a bit of support. 200 bound delegates isnt too bad for a Libertarian in the GOP race.Rand Paul is a fuckng sellout, I never really liked him anyway.
Rand has said in the past he will support the republican nomination.and millions of other patriots shit list too... WTF!?!![]()
You're not capable of telling the truth. The crazed lady made a dumb move towards Rand Paul by shoving a sign in his face while he was riding in a car. A supporter held her down with his foot, he never stomped on her head. Overly aggressive move on his part but he never stomped on her. But lying is easy to filthy scumbags like you. No wonder you live in the basement and don't have a girl friend.before the senatorial debate in 2010, a woman was exercising her free speech rights to protest old opossum head.
opossum head supporters tackled the slight-of-frame lady because they thought she was a "threat".
ok, that's understandable. nothing too controversial. dickish but justifiable.
however, after she was tackled and pinned for daring to peacefully exercise her first amendment rights, another opossum head walked up and casually stomped on her head.
the opossum head supporter was never arrested for assault.
News for rand paul
this belongs in the "i told ya so" thread.
maybe old mcronald can still pull this off.![]()
i'm giving you one chance to utter the phrase "i'm a worthless shitbag" before i post the video of the woman, who is already tackled and pinned by several men twice her size, receive a needless head stomp from some guy that just wanders up.You're not capable of telling the truth. The crazed lady made a dumb move towards Rand Paul by shoving a sign in his face while he was riding in a car. A supporter held her down with his foot, he never stomped on her head. Overly aggressive move on his part but he never stomped on her. But lying is easy to filthy scumbags like you. No wonder you live in the basement and don't have a girl friend.
and millions of other patriots shit list too... WTF!?!![]()
post it.i'm giving you one chance to utter the phrase "i'm a worthless shitbag" before i post the video of the woman, who is already tackled and pinned by several men twice her size, receive a needless head stomp from some guy that just wanders up.
so just admit it and say "i'm a worthless shit bag" or i'll post the video that vindicates me and proves you to be a worthless shit bag.
ball's in your court.
I doubt it, and even if it was, romney would never get my vote NEVER!Makes you wonder if that endorsement was traded for a slot as Vice Presidential Candidate. Romney/Paul ticket, anyone?
The problem i have with the whole fucking thing is ron has not officially quit, and with rand endorsing Mr. NDAA he is stating he believes he is a 100% viable candidate and rand knows he alienated tons of patriots from that liberty movement instantly with that endorsement, at this point its evident he has his own agenda which involves being more widely accepted in the gop as it stands, so next time rand can potentially win the nomination of the gop with the gop's support, since he proved himself a good little traitor.Well its something called kissing ass, a necessary party of furthering your career. As a politician this makes up the majority of work accomplished day to day. I want Ron Paul to win but he wont, I am not going to commit suicide over it so why should his son destroy his career over it. With the recent surge in Paul I will almost bet Rand is planning to run for president in the next election if Obama wins. If Romney wins he may have to wait. The point is, getting mad at someone for doing the most logical thing is illogical.
Though the nominations is looking like mitt's nothing is final yet.Rand has said in the past he will support the republican nomination.