Raising a crop of SEEDS?


I'd like to set up a separate tent to grow a SEED crop. I only want seeds from this crop.

How much lighting would be minimal? Does it matter what color light spectrum?

In the future I plan to experiment with cloning and other seed alternatives, but THIS IS SOMETHING I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO! Raise a few hundred or thousand HQ beans.

I figure a 2 by 2 tent would fit at my indoor location in addition to the 2 by 4 I will be using for my grow tent (growing buds - link to that grow is in my sig).
I would keep a male & a female in the seed-tent (YES - A WHOLE FEMALE - I WANT THAT MANY SEEDS & I CAN AFFORD TO WASTE A FEMALE cuz I'm expecting 55 seeds in my first shipment).


It is not essential that you sequester away the polinated female. chose the strongest male, kill the others, and let him mature. collect his pollen and remove a choice fem. use a paintbrush to apply the pollen to her pistils. give her a few days off to decontaminate. mist her down with some water and throw her back into the main room.


Well-Known Member
Good answer. You can also store the pollen for another female, and before she begins to flower, you can use that paintbrush to hit the preflowers only with pollen and get sensemilla buds with seeds at the crotch. With a multicola plant, you can get dozens of seeds this way.