Rain rocking my plants


Lately here the weather has been perfect and my plants were about a week into growth and for the past 2 days we've had heavy rain and storms. I went to check on them today and some of them are ok and still standing pretty well and the others are knocked over and buried under the soil...i uncovered them and stood them back up as best as I could as far as I know they are still alive and they are still very green...is this normal...will they stand back up or are they doomed? thx


Well-Known Member
In my experience which is somewhat limited, but this has happened to me, actually they were floated out than buried. I replanted and they all came back. I did miss one it it grew back kinda herky jerky side ways. So don't fret, they will be ok weed can really take a beating. Good Luck:peace:


Well-Known Member
Dont water for a while. To much water cuts off oxegen and you can get root rot, and the plant will grow slow/