Rain ... options.


Active Member
So im 5.5 weeks into flower.

Its been raining pretty steady for the better part of the last 3 days and one more day of rain yet to come.

The plants are in pots so I can move them. Should I take them inside at night into my shed to keep them out of the rain? Ive heard ventilation is important to prevent mold. And its pretty stagnant in my shed. Other option would be to just move them under a big tree so they wont get as much rain.

Typically dont have problems with bud rot. But dont want to take any chances at this stage.

Someone say something to make me feel better at the very least ....
So im 5.5 weeks into flower.

Its been raining pretty steady for the better part of the last 3 days and one more day of rain yet to come.

The plants are in pots so I can move them. Should I take them inside at night into my shed to keep them out of the rain? Ive heard ventilation is important to prevent mold. And its pretty stagnant in my shed. Other option would be to just move them under a big tree so they wont get as much rain.

Typically dont have problems with bud rot. But dont want to take any chances at this stage.

Someone say something to make me feel better at the very least ....

I would keep them out of the shed. My experience is the fog and dew are worse than the rain. I know it doesn't make sense but that's just my experience.
Let Mother Nature run her course ! It's a plant ! A few days of rain won't hurt it ! If your concerned about mold or rot I strongly suggest going out and shaking them off after a heavy rain or dew ! We just got 5-6 days of heavy rain and the ladies were happy to see me shake them off but still as strong or stronger then ever ! Good luck

Cheers MJ
If you have buds developing, only put them in the shed if you have a dehumidifier and/or a fan.

Be aware that as your buds become more ponderous nearing harvest, a heavy rain can snap your stems and spew your colas into the mud.
This happened to me. Heartbreaking.

Stake them or support them if a future storm threatens.
Good Luck