Rain in the Northeast


Active Member
Man it seems like it been raining for ever around here, my plant havent had any direct sunlight in a couple days..... i hope we dont get this much rain during most part of budding i dont want any mooollldd

Anybody agree with me??


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's been terrible weather here lately...hopefully the sun will be back soon
I must be farthur up north in new england then you guys. I've been lucky and have not had much rain at all. Unfortunatly its supposed to rain all day tomorrow (2 inches). Weather wise this year has been way better then the past 2-3 summers. If we get slammed with all that rain like last year we will be in for some trouble. Good luck guys!


Well-Known Member
We had rain for a couple of days and no sun.....We needed it badly, has been a dry summer. I have an early finishing plant that I found bud rot on. I thought it had turnrd purple from the cold night weather, but it is definitely bud rot.
We had rain for a couple of days and no sun.....We needed it badly, has been a dry summer. I have an early finishing plant that I found bud rot on. I thought it had turnrd purple from the cold night weather, but it is definitely bud rot.
If its just one or two small buds that is starting to rot, clip of the section of bud that is rotting. If the rot hasn't set in to bad you can at least salvage some if it. If the whole bud is rotting cut that branch off and make some nice butter with it.


Active Member
It deff has been a dry summer too, but idk august seems to be the month we had the most rain. Im near the New York/ Pennsylvania border.
From what i have heard september seems to be a month witth alot of rainn. i just hope we can make it through


Well-Known Member
The weather was great all summer for growing here and your right, with all this rain it has been a few days since sun... I have been going out after the rain and shaking the water off of the buds... i know that sounds rediculous but it makes me feel better plus i get to look at my plants more often


Active Member
i do the same thing stony haha, i get worried about my girls i try to take care of them the best, and i also love just looking at the too lol!


Active Member
East coast here too. Yea shit has been ridiculously wet recently. Although it seems to have helped my spider mite problem from spreading since they like it hot and dry. Which gave me extra time to save up money for some Dont Bug Me and Azatrol, so that was good.

But yea, fuck these clouds
. Bring on the sun!


Well-Known Member
i feel you guys on that starting to get a lil worried...people from the northeast post your pics i wanna see how others around me are doing!!


Well-Known Member
Garlic, Jalapeno, and soap mixed with water and strained put in a spray bottle makes awesome cheap bug spray!!!! mites included!

but hell yea bring on the sunshine in the tri-state area!!! ..... I sure do like the words of rofocrew!


Active Member
NE here, I had to transplant one batch of babes recently, they had been discovered by potential rippers and it was my only option. They are 5-8 feet tall and were a PITA to move, took over 4 hours. However I think this weather is playing to my advantage because according to fdd, too much direct sun after moving a plant (from in the ground where it's roots had plenty of room to grow) can cause major stress, especially since getting the entire root ball and keeping it in tact is nearly impossible. Also the constant showers are giving them a much needed drink. So for now, I'm happy with the weather but I'm not saying I'll feel the same way in a couple of days..


just had to hack my fav girl due to budrot. makes me want to puke. can i make butter with this before it dries? i'm worried about the rot spreading before it can dry out. anyone?
Here's a white widow grow i got going on 100_1725.jpg100_1725ENHANCE.jpg This other plant is a bagseed that came from Vermont that my buddy gave me 100_1736.jpg100_1738.jpg100_1737.jpg100_1741.jpg100_1739.jpg100_1740.jpg And these last couple are a sensi seeds northern lights100_1729.jpg100_1733.jpg100_1731.jpg