Rain / drying issues.


Active Member
Well shit ...

Been a shitty couple of weeks, my daughter puntured her cornea/lens in her eye and we have had to leave town for 3 seperate emegency surgerys on her eye.

The timing has been just the worst. I came back from my most recent trip and it had been raining HARD for 2 days. The one plant was so wet it looked like a total nightmare the 3 main colas (6 ft plant) had all sank right down to the ground almost. The other 2 werent as bad and structurally were fine but they too got just full on soaked.

I harvested 1.5 of the 3 plants as they were ready anyways (force flowered to kick start them for a month) with what I had left of the weekend (all I had time for). I pulled the two plants under a thick ass tree so they arent getting wet anymore really.

My problem is that I have to dry them in a shed in my back yard. The shed has a few small leaks on the one side (not where the bud is lol). Problem is the room is just so fucking moist. I trimmed the bud a little extra and really tried to pull apart the larger buds. Still worried though ... were do for another 3 days of rain.

Looking into other options, perhaps drying at my brother in laws house. Meh do I stand any chance of it drying okay out there in those conditions? I have dried all my other shit in the same shed and it worked just fine. It wasnt raining like a mofo then.

Meh, ideas, suggestions anyone?

On a very much more important note my Daughter is somewhat stable now, lost the lens in her eye and has a scar on her cornea ... almost lost her retina had her eye drained and replaced the fluid with oil. Been quite a humbling experience and I have never been more proud of both of my girls ... So fucking brave, patient through the whole thing. Kids are amazing that way.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your daughter and glad she is recovering ok , do you have power in the shed for a dehumidifier or a fan ? not sure if the large amounts of water already in the bud will cause problems from the inside out though ?


Hey Cal, very sorry to hear about your girl my friend. Hopefully she heals as best as she possibly can.

Apparently a Garage isnt an option then?


Active Member
I may have to just do it at my brother in laws house. My garage is not a viable option, have people stopping by the house a fair bit right now with everything thats going on.
I would find a dry spot in a old closet upstairs away from heavy traffic areas of the house. depending on how much you have you can come up with some sneaky drying spaces. If smell isnt a top concern of yours pop out a fly screen from a window place the buds on there and just make sure they can get air all around them expecially if they are soaked right now! hide that in the rafters of the garage or in the attic while people are stopping by and just make sure you are rotating them with time and arent touching. Fan and dehumidifier would be your best solution though!

Best wishes and speedy recovery for your family and little green friends!


Active Member
Got a fan going now and did my best to fix the few leaks, And yeah its all sitting on screens already I used my buddies trimming machine. And like I said really broke down the larger buds into smaller ones to avoid bud rot. Guess ill run down and grab a dehumidifier.

Thanks for the good wishes though everyone, very kind.