Rain Deluge


Active Member
Damn, with this rain outside my colas are so big that when they get drenched the whole plant sags over. I'm afraid they may get damaged. Just paranoid but hate to see them almost lying on the ground.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... Sounds to me like you should probably stake them.;-) i got some 7 foot bamboo stakes from home depot for $1.50 a piece. They blend in nicely.


Well-Known Member
yea man, i had to make a massive setup last night before hannah came in, i put up a huge tarp over my babies and tied them up to trees and anchoring them with cinder blocks, the tarp is angled to make all the rain drain away from the plants,


Well-Known Member
I would cut some stakes with a y at the top and prop them up real good.. Let us know how the tarp thing works for you good luck!!!