RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
mines mounted on the wall , and the temp sets for 70. wen it gets colder it will turn on automatically. jus wen you turn the lites out plug it in and turn off ac if you keep it on during the day.i would'nt want my plants get under 55 at the least.i manually turn stuff off and on except the lite and stuff ,its set ona timer fan stuff, but the ac is plugged in or the heater is plugged in. i cant afford a 500 dollar lite bill. lol. i been using grow big and tiger bloom for years , my fav. i'm new to the the three 25 dollar each nutes.


Well-Known Member
yeah those are the two i used my first time around, grow big and tiger bloom. i got the other liquid one big bloom this time too along with the 3 powder ones... well see what they can do haha yeah so im debating whether to get a heater to keep the temp around 65-70 or just let it drop so i can get some cool lookin buds outta this purple wreck lol but i hear that can kill the potency also? we dont want that now...


Well-Known Member
hell no, if you have to nurse them hourly jus to get these babies to grow we'll do it,. ...................the g13 HP are little clusters of flowers showing up and really coming out well , may be the baestie bloomz will really geter goin.these buckets are really gonna put out some weighty buds,, already can tell. i would really like 1.5 to 2lbs off these 10. not sure how much i will actually get though. the Bm should get 12 ounces at the least , and these will fini at the same time with atleast 1 to 1.5lbs,, papa needs a new pair shoes,lol......:joint:


Well-Known Member
the g13 hp are really taking off, they are pretty much staying the same height together, hard to tell if there any pheno types.. seems real stable in variation , they have large leaves , beautiful plant, holds nute real well .



Well-Known Member
thanx ,yea thier moving right along, stalks are really thickening, hoping to hold some real money makers ,lol.


Well-Known Member
man that weed sure is strrong ass shit. one to 2 bong hits wasted. hers my hangout and grow.well the bm is a little more to the left,



Well-Known Member
ahh thats sick man try and fit as much cool shit into one room like me? lol guess ill share too... wish i had some sweet cats like you, alls i got is fish haha they dont exactly do much. heres the room, left to right...



Well-Known Member
yea ns. i dont have alot of room in here , but there is a multiroom air conditioner aiming at the grow.i can keep temps under the lite at 75F and kept at 10 to 12 inches.


Well-Known Member
nice. my lights about same distance right now. you can tell its kinda crooked in the pic haha two of em are over 3 feet and the others are barely 2. i got the others stacked up on pots but still cant quite get an even canopy goin. temps around 70 all day/night now dont even have to turn any of this shit on at this point.


Well-Known Member
have a couple BB pheno types growing a little higher, put a couple on wood blocks to even it out , but its not t0 bad.:leaf:

Yes Sir

Active Member
Is the reason for the 12 inch distance for the light because its generally too hot any closer than that, or can the plants not process the high amount of light at the distance causing burn from being too bright? If the temps were 78 degrees at 5 inches under the light, would it be safe or is the reason due to high heat?


Well-Known Member
i dunno about raider but i dont have any problem with heat on mine. its aircooled of course with tempered glass covering that pretty much keeps in any heat. i can keep my hand on the glass and its barely hot at all. for the distance its really a matter of how many lumens you want your plants to be getting. 5 inches with a 400w is way too close, whether heat is an issue or not, your plants do not need 90k lumens. once you get any closer than 12 inches, lumens will double every few inches or so.


Well-Known Member
i put mine 12 inches from the plant under these 600s and make sure the temps between plants and the light are 75F and also the room the same, thats agood temp for weed. optimum conditions.:joint:


Well-Known Member
mine are sensi g13 hp. mine been flowering two weex already. it looks good so far gonna be alot of weed on them


Well-Known Member
the plants are showing some fat leaves and growth ,this is the first time i used containers this size. it looks eight clones of the g13HP put bak . see how she turns out looks great so far.i keep the tep. at 75F steady day and night.even between the light and plant. the air cooled light air is coming from outside the tent from the garage,where the temp. is 32F this morning. the digital heater saved keeps the temp at 75 ,, thier at walmart for 37.00, mounting device comes with it.even at night i keep a fan on wile the heater runs at night to keep the room 75 throughout the room.

