RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow

nirvana:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:sucks and they rip off peoplebongsmilie:peace:

i won't use nirvana again. i waited two months and then i told them and they sent me my beans and i got them in like 6 days from reshipping. that was cool. they did give me 10 freebies, but the ww i got were small dinky looking seeds and only 1 out of 4 hatched. the 4 supergirls i germed all came up. are all ww seeds small and dinky? the best looking seeds i recieved were from serious ak47 & white russian and barneys' blue cheese looks real good.
ive always just assumed that nirvana was crap because their prices are so damn cheap lol. 30 bucks for 10 seeds? i still bought ww and bubble anyway haha
yea know wat you mean . beIieve it or not there were a coupIe of sensi seeds Iook kind of dinky, i sure hope those 2 come up,expen. to be sending micro seeds, maybe they wiII. i wiII post wen they have aII done or not done wat thier gonna do in a coupIe days. :cuss: + bongsmilie = :lol:
after 5 days i get toothpik and start getting curious,haha, .i dont put my seeds in water,i put them one qarter of an inch in seedIing soiI. first i get a Iarge container get seedIing soiI, mix OIivias seed and cIone nutes for heathy seed hatch,i make buket fuII, fiII seedIing mini containers aII up with the mud mix i made , get a tooth pik and just puII a IittIe soiI bak ,qarter inch , cover IiteIy. put in mini greenhouse w/thermometer on heat pad , 78 to 80F . most wiII be above soiI in 3 days if the seeds are good. give or take.i use 2 25 watt fIorecent grow Iites 2inches top of Iid. usua. 95% germ. rate
yeah thats pretty much what i do haha. i tried to germ 2 of my purple wreck seeds and nothin happend so i put all 13 of em in for a week. still only got 6 out of there. dug the rest up this morning and 4 of them didnt even crack.
say dk , Iets run those ppI off from the seeds and strains taIkin about iIIegaI activity , thats poIitics and shit. taIkin about poIice and iIIegaI activity and shit geting on my nerves.
yeah tell me about it man. im so sick of that shit. not even worth my time ima just let it be. got more important things to worry about :weed:
I bet thats my problem, I have always done 85-90 degrees to germ. Although my Kushberry, and a few prior strains loved those temps, it didn't seem like any other ones did.
Looks like Im reordering again, 20 more and thats it or I promise u all I will give away my 2 1000 watters as I won't desrve to own them. It's borderline right now.
say dk , Iets run those ppI off from the seeds and strains taIkin about iIIegaI activity , thats poIitics and shit. taIkin about poIice and iIIegaI activity and shit geting on my nerves.

what an idiot. "you can't get seeds in the USA" hahahahahahah, oh yeah, I just did.

According to natures law, which is what i subscribe to, what i am doing is not illegal.

about politics, i have a child molester that lives 2 blocks from me. Da FUCK!

the last time i didn't smoke any weed was a week i went to hawaii with my parents 10 years ago. I have smoked dope every single day and if you saw me you wouldn't even think it.

i liked his fucking novel comparing seeds to mp3's too. yeah like there are so many people locked up right now cuz they downloaded some music lol what an idiot...
some geek teIIing us that were breaking the Iaw,haha.. hydro you ought to buy Ed RosenthaIs indoor marijuana growing , a weaIth of in formation, i stiII refer mysef to it , not a better book to get and Iearn and successfuI growing, i"d never Iearned shit without it.Hes got aIot of books to choose from ,pics , bIueprints of easy marijuana growing.go to .
some geek teIIing us that were breaking the Iaw,haha.. hydro you ought to buy Ed RosenthaIs indoor marijuana growing , a weaIth of in formation, i stiII refer mysef to it , not a better book to get and Iearn and successfuI growing, i"d never Iearned shit without it.Hes got aIot of books to choose from ,pics , bIueprints of easy marijuana growing.go to .
I'll go pirate that shit right now. Youre so right! When I was growing by the book that is when I was doing good. I gave it to my buddy cuz I figured I diddn't need it. He never grew before and his plants look better than mine. Good idea!

On a good note...
Just ordered Sensi Jack Herer, $200 for a 10 pack I almost got the MrNiceG13xHP, but I figure I would get these and we will trade later. This way we both get the best of both worlds. Jack is the best I have ever had... I'm not fuckin around anymore. I'm putting growing first, work second. It's slowing down for the winter so I will have a lot more time to do this right...
sometimes it just takes some simple advice llike that to get u back on track. I keep trying all this new crazy shit. Y not just stick with what works.
reaIIy , i used to Iive in north shore, waikiki,HA.

ya, i saw that in my thread. me and the old lady got married on the beach in Maui. Wailaia i believe. i had a buddy who would fly out and surf w/ kelly slater and his buds. i was so jealous. i would get claustrophobic on the island tho, but helluva a vacay. never scored there, had our own bag.

went to the north shore with the folks, theyforbid me from getting outin the waves. wouldn't let me skydive either, come to think of it, they woldn't like me growin dope.