RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
holy shit guy plus rep definetly great job,i got another 30days to go myself,mine is frosty as fuck(no pic,no camera),i got a uva light on mine and it seems to be blowin it up,ill get a uvb for when i flower the chocolate girl i got,it will help with thc production,the pet store only had uva's and the girls said alot of people buy the light that i bought to grow plants,i told her i got it for a lizard that i was goin to get. i tried to be conspicuous about it,they know better and they are cool people that work there,ive been shopin there for years. but the uva(100w incandescent) deffinitly made my girl blow up in a huge way and is def doin alot better than the last girl,same genetics,i got a lr2,and the last one i got an oz.5,and this girl im expectin at least 2 dry. its white as fuck with pistils and glands.

just a thought for u,try a uva if u want,personal experience has made me a believer of them. i will get a uvb for when i force flower the chocolate girl. i would get a uvb now but i got no money for it,its 20bucks for a 13w cfl uvb at walmart.



Well-Known Member
if that gets the job done aII that matters;those i have are under 600 hps, hotiIux buIb, air cooIed.sun system2, .


Well-Known Member
thanx , just sharin the hang out with evryone.that ended up being pretty strong weed. its gotta citric orange deiseI odor, wet with resin .yea it sized out these Iast days,i am sureIy thankfuI when they come out Iike this . that b.moon. shouId reaIIy do weII in this fox farms ocean forest soiI mix, best soiI ive used in a whiIe , first time i ever used it. :blsmoke:

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
weed looks dank. i got 6 girls so far. getting tall as shit too.

i figured you were a raiders fan. i lived in denver for a long while. haha. got friends who love silver and black and they hate Al. when is he going to die?


Well-Known Member
idk thats fucked up how he fired kiffen and said all that shit tho even if he was a shitty coach haha why didnt i ever think you were a raider fan...


Well-Known Member
well al was talkin a lot of bs about him anyways that whole ordeal was nonsense all so he can keep his fuckin $$$


Well-Known Member
6 out of the 10 hashpIant seeds come up.doubtfuI , that any of the others do.that wiII Ieave me with 17 in aII for this. i guess it wiII have to do.Sensi seeds are not a good source of gettin your seeds. 17 out of 30 seeds come up .the 11 g13 HP are 17 days oId and are in reaI good shape.the other 6 are reg. sensi hp.

