Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
ive got the pipe filled,lol, ,,29 out of 32 up,the other 3 coming up so looks to be a 100% germ rate.will transplant ina few days.


Well-Known Member
Woot next round under way!!

Looks nice and clean in there bud. Thats one thing I miss about a non perpetual garden. Its much easier to go through an empty room and clean everything up real well.


Well-Known Member
Gd morning TC,,yeah man I cant wait till I'm able to run a perpetual grow.havin to work on this disability thing here,somuch bs to it,lol,but gotta get it done.


Well-Known Member
Should be an interesting grow this round. I love seeing test like these, really helpful for people trying to pick their amendments. Plus I'm sure humdolbts secret will appreciate the data given to them the entire thing.