• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Raided in indiana


Well-Known Member
you mean in edinburgh indiana?that is near camp attaberry? ive been there before...it looks like any other military camp..since the war on terrorism it has been used as a major training base for troops deploying to iraq..also the SEAL's train in sniping there at that camp...id say you would have legitimate concern over american concentration camps if the pigs run everything,,the pigs do not control the army..the army is made up of american heros that love america and would not turn their guns on their own people..there is also over 300 million people in this country and over 300 million firearms..so..i think we can safely assume the wisom of our founding fathers over 200 years ago was sound and correct and just...the founding fathers..god bless thier souls...had the foresight and courage to make the second ammendment..they knew governments over time decay and become corrupt...WHERE IS GEORGE WASHINGTON WHEN WE NEED HIM MOST....


Well-Known Member
So you didn't address any of my questions. Please read above for the questons I have related to this issue ^^^^^
They can't legally confiscate anything like your HPS light, chair and tackle box. those items have nothing to do with possession of a small amount. Right there your lawyer can have the whole case thrown out. This story is sounding like more and more BS each time. Either the police in indiana are 12 year old kids who never went through the academy, or you aren't telling the truth. I mean seriously, if they can confiscate your HPS light and tackle box., then why don't they just confiscate your whole house and everything in it?

Cops around here MUST have a bachelors degree AND have graduated from the academy. Sounds like the ones in Indiana only made it as far as 3rd grade.
cops in the indiana state police i dont even start making 30 grand a year to start..indianapolis police do not make much more than that..how fucking smart do you have to be to waste 40 grand a year going to collage for a criminal justice degree to get a 12 dollar a hour job? do you think any sane person would wish to be a cop? and yea..i agree..the dog probably hit on the chair..i keep my weed and pipe when i am fishing in my chair cup holder..the chair was one of the that fold up and go in a bag..also it isnt uncommon for me to put my weed and pipe into my tackle box when fishing..so i dont know what the fucker was doing with my shit..id like to ask him..id really like to know where my fucking money went..


New Member
Yes that is the place, sorry spelled it completely wrong didn't I? :oops:

There are a couple of other threads with a youtube video about what has been going on there and some of us are curious. It's at least 2 hours for me to get there, maybe more. I'll try to find those threads and bring back a link.

you mean in edinburgh indiana?that is near camp attaberry? ive been there before...it looks like any other military camp..since the war on terrorism it has been used as a major training base for troops deploying to iraq..also the SEAL's train in sniping there at that camp...id say you would have legitimate concern over american concentration camps if the pigs run everything,,the pigs do not control the army..the army is made up of american heros that love america and would not turn their guns on their own people..there is also over 300 million people in this country and over 300 million firearms..so..i think we can safely assume the wisom of our founding fathers over 200 years ago was sound and correct and just...the founding fathers..god bless thier souls...had the foresight and courage to make the second ammendment..they knew governments over time decay and become corrupt...WHERE IS GEORGE WASHINGTON WHEN WE NEED HIM MOST....


Well-Known Member
In all probability this is all bullshit. But it is NOT outside the realm of possibility. The feds are starting to use provisions of the PATRIOT act to expand their powers beyond the scope of the constitutional limitations, much like they abused used the limited powers the RICO statutes gave them to combat organized crime. It's only a matter of time before local LEOs follow suit. They have the means to get around the constitution by trying to apply PATRIOT to include drug offenses.
But unless they invoked the PATRIOT act, I don't see how they could have possibly gotten a judge to sign a warrant based upon the fact that seeds were delivered to your home. No judge in his/her right mind would sign off on that without further corroboration. They most CERTAINLY overstepped their bounds bringing a drug dog onto your property for it "to alert" to the presence of drugs/marijuana.
As for downloading your computer files from your hard drive, I'm pretty sure that didn't happen. Why the hell would they take the time to download your drive (couple hours or so for a small hard drive with much of anything on it) when they can just take the whole computer tower? Believe me they aint shy about doing that.
Cops are no different than anybody else, they do their job (as they see it). Their job is to bust you, and do so with as airtight a case as possible. No cop, prosecutor, or judge would even try to arrest you on such flimsy evidence, much less take any assets or money. A first year prosecutor would know that the entire search was based on nothing, and no matter WHAT they found, it would be "fruit of the forbidden tree", and inadmissible. Unless they invoke PATRIOT. Now if they had found all of that during the execution of a valid warrant, you'd be screwed. They would make sure that their case is a bit stronger than that. I have seen them prosecute on some flimsy evidence, but nothing like what you describe.
They can take anything illegal they find in your home whether or not it's on the warrant, as long as they are in your house legally, meaning a valid warrant for anything. Under RICO, they can even seize cash or anything saying they believe it was proceeds for illegal activity, it will be up to youto prove otherwise. If they come in with a bad warrant, you are still fucked because you'll not get much, if anything back, and even that will take hiring an attorney, and lots of money. So its win/win for law enforcement anyway it goes. They know this.
IF you are telling the whole story, and I am sure there is more to it than you're telling (IF it really happened), nothing found during that search can POSSIBLY be used. Any Judge or prosecutor would realize this and make the cops get more evidence prior to bringing any charges.
Now............................For all of you who are saying that they "can't do that", either you have never had the misfortune of running afoul of the law, or are being incredibly naive. They CAN DO ANYTHING they want to. And they do quite frequently. Whether or not it holds up is another story. But trust me, get a cop pissed off at you and he can make life a living hell. He can do anything with impunity as long as he is "acting in good faith". I have seen searches hold up in court because the officer acted in good faith in believing that a warrant existed. Yes, they can search your home without a warrant being on the premises or in hand if they believe that evidence could be destroyed or hidden prior to the arrival of the warrant. They can seize anything, and let you sort it out in court.
For all of you who believe that the constitution still gives us some measure of protection from the abuse of power, I HIGHLY suggest you read the PATRIOT act. A good synopsis can be found at the ACLU website. I can assure you that it will scare the living shit out of anyone who believes in personal liberty. They are already using the provisions PATRIOT to prosecute gangs, internet crimes, and a host of other things not originally written into it. They are rapidly expanding the scope of the act to include things that were never intended to be covered by it. The US government has already stated that the drug problem is "a matter of national security". It's not a far stretch to think that they could expand that to classify possession or distribution of illegal drugs as a threat, thus making the perpetrator an enemy combatant under PATRIOT. DO NOT for one minute think it isn't already happening.


Well-Known Member
call all the bull shit you want..the police were all over my home..if you live in indiana..this is what is going to happen to you..its probably the cops on here calling me bullshit..they dont want you to know how they operate..and if someone tells you how they roll they call you bullshit..LOL cops are fucking liar's and thief's there is another thread of a guy in indiana having the same thing happen to him..its a good thing i listened to him..and not YOU....else my ass might still be in jail...by the way..if i ordered seeds..or not i wouldnt tell anyone on here as my computor and phones are probably taped and watched..

State your name. Police records are public. We all can look this up. See the docket for the case, etc.

You said you were reading someone's post "for months" yet only joined in September 2008. Hmmmm. NASA would be interested in that time frame if its true.

Your lawyer would have told you NOT TO SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE, yet here you are bragging about your demise. Interesting.

Letting seeds through is borderline entrapment. Had a crime, but overlooked to find more to add.

Would you happen to be Nancy Reagan?


Well-Known Member
im not bragging about a demise..i am warning you..my father the wise man he was....always told me to never shit where you eat...and never admit to anything....seeds ordered..no seeds found...no plants found..they claimed their dog alerted on my home..like i said highly unlikely..mine against theirs...the judge told me they had not decided to press charges or not..when i was let out of jail...and i was thinking...what kind of fucking shit is this..what this tells me is they dont have a case...same as my lawyer told me..but they can throw your ass in jail and often do on some bull shit just to cost you money and grief...oh yea..and about putting my fucking name up on the internet? FUCK YOU


Well-Known Member
Your name on the package, you e-mails on your computer. Hhmmm, I hate cops but I even think they have a case.

Hey on another note, you live in Indy, and that alleged death camp is supposed to be just south of you in Edinborough, what's the odds that you can zip that way and take a bunch of pics?
if you really wanted i probably could..id like to ask you how does one go about leaving plus rep for someone? i dont have this shit down...oh and about the doubting thomas thinking i havnt been reading RIU for some time...my two favorite charecters i think that have helped me out in my understanding of the subject at hand have been al B fuct and doctor von dankenstien...h2o2 have been very important along with rotational gardening ..harvest every two weeks..and dr vons understanding of good old fashioned DIRT...both cool as fuck dude's....but hey ..doubt all you want...oh yea....AND DR HORNBY IS THE SHIT....:!:


Well-Known Member
To those that think this is bullshit:

It is very difficult if not imposible for you to speak on the practices of local law enforcement and local judges of a place in which you do not reside.

Hypothetically over 10 years ago I had a less than honest job that involved recieving "products" mailed from Cali that crossed over in TJ/SanDiego. A "suspicious" domestic package was siezed and the Postal Inspector and local narc division came to a 3rd party's house that helped procure the PO Box. No warrant. They called me on the phone and requested that I come by to explain the contents of the package. I went, explained that the name on the package was neither mine nor the 3rd party's. I also informed them that they would need a warrant to search any of my things.

Long story short, no warrant was obtained, no charges were filed. We paid a hefty retainer to the attorney that also represented the narcotics division of the local police dept. Things just "went away". 18 months later the attorney was disbarred, lol.

Moral of the story:

Some law enforcement agencies do make phone calls to suspects. Remember they tend to be less intelligent/educated and even more lazy than most middle class Americans. Warrants take time and effort to get. They will try and do their jobs the easiest way possible, like most of us. As far as them obtaining the warrant, if a judge owes a favor, or is up for election, or is frivolous with warrants; they can be obtained easier than you may think. I grew up in the home of a local judge, and know this for a fact. So please stop shouting BS on this guy unless you know it is BS.

Another thing to consider:

Also imagine the custom's worker that instead of looking in packages that may contain truly malicious content is stuck opening these < 10 gram envelopes coming from Canada/Netherlands/UK. After about 1000 of them, he/she approaches the supervisor and ask what can be done. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't have a list of local gov'ts that are overzealous in pursuing such trivial amounts of contraband vs the ones that wouldn't give a shit about 20 seeds (Guess our SWIM is in one of the former). I also imagine the mass amounts of seeds that are coming in are placing a fairly large burden on the search capacity of US Customs. Maybe if our officials and leaders would wake up and smell the herb, our customs workers could focus there efforts on evelopes that contain powders/explosives/other very harmful items rather than a fucking seed! I guess this should be incentive for all of us to do what we can to get MJ and seeds legalized/decriminalized federally, locally, fuckin globally!!!

Sorry for the rant, but a large number of our members here are quick to call "bullshit" on subjects with which they have little or no experience. Please stop, be supportive. Why not err on the side of compassion, support, and assistance vs name calling??


Well-Known Member
Oh and Dr. Chronic sending seeds with cannabis leafs on the bag and/or envelope is in fact BULLSHIT. While these things may be taken lightly in some countries, or even certain areas in the US; they are illegal and taken VERY seriously in middle America where most of us live. Don't order seeds from companies that are not willing to respect your liberty. I'm done now, peace.


Well-Known Member
yea..if one of you ass clowns gets raided..you will see...they will come into your h ome..your computors..your phones and look up your ass with a microscope..at least here in indiana...id be willing to bet money the police have clowns they pay minimium wage to come in here and post bull shit and muck the water up of the truth..customs notify state police..state police brings drug dog..drug dog alerts on home..search warrent is obtained..nothing of major value is found..no grow..no plants..a few high time mags some reciept's for supply purchases..confiscated one fishing chair..one tackle box..liberated 2000 grand out of my safe..my high times magazine's...looks like the fuckers took another magazine i was reading...now that im looking around..hell who knows what all they got..this is what i know they got..they of course down loaded what ever from our computors to their files..the got a cheap switch blade knife..i suppose i could scan and post the warrent and other docs..but i dont think id do0 that without consult of my lawyer at this present time...


Well-Known Member
Don't let these clowns get you down max. I'm pretty sure you are being truthful. If you are just wanting some attention, well you got it from me. Well done! Seriously though, do what your attorney advises you to do. I'm not sure about your area in Indiana, but a little schwag shouldn't carry too much of a penalty. However, if the 5O went through the trouble they did; they often try and get some sort of conviction in order to avoid embarrassment. I'm pretty sure you don't need me to tell you that any ambition you had to grow your own should be quieted until you move; preferrably to another county. You will be on the locals' radar for sometime.

Don't ride dirty, don't associate with sellers. Don't find yourself DUI. Don't frequent places that shady people hang. Common sense, while easily identified is not alway easily practiced. Use your head, stay out of trouble. If you do anything good in the community, goto college, have a degree, or some gainful employment; these things go a long way in the eyes of prosecutors and judges. Good luck with your situation.


Well-Known Member
why would he make this up? we all know that this is going on in Indiana. there are to many random details in this thread for me to think this is made up. thats why i will never order seeds off line. i love growing and would love to grow so really cool strands but i dont wanna get cought.


Well-Known Member
thanks poppin and smoke...i havnt been on line since last night..today i went and talked to the lawyer..had to pay him 1250...he said not to worry..that the one three year old pill they found will be ignored and thrown out of court..the switch blade knife will be thrown out...my lawyer also said because i have no other priors they are going to throw out the marijuana possession out...he said they me trying to add drug paraphenelia for my pipe;s..the lawyer said they look bad already with finding enough weed only to make two joints in the middle of the home..with a dog outside alerting on it..LOL..he is going to question the validity of the search even..and get my HPS back..my high times magazines back...my money back..he said in due time...he also said they only confiscate the shit to make trouble for you..he said with all the shit they went threw..they are grabbing straws for some kind of prosicution...they look poorly as it is..be warned of indiana though...and DOC CHRONIC...


Well-Known Member
Yup. You can bet your ass that you will be on their shit list for some time. I guess there aren't enough meth labs in Indiana to keep them busy? Seems like a total waste of resources to me, but hey ganja is Schedule I federally and even in some states. I'd be ashamed to bring in the posse for dime bag and a glass piece if I was just barely smart enough to squeak through highschool and had to resort to law enforcement for a career. Maybe one of em will get a promotion for bringing down your cartel.

You will get your cash back, but it sounds like 60% of it already found it's way into the drugwar economy (DEA, FDA, state 5O, local 5O, judges, and yes attorneys...especially attorneys). It's amazing how quickly things like this go away once you grease the economic engine. I bet your attorney tried to tell you how serious this would be. Then he got his piece, and like magic he is able to work a miracle. Sorry for this costing you $1250...so far.

One of the reasons (other than siezure numbers) that cops take money is to reduce the likelihood that the victim (suspect, aka you) can afford counsel. There could be some probation in your future. I feel sorry for the guy who can't afford proper representation. Fucking racket!

Thank you for posting your experience online so others may learn from it. I bet getting called a BSer made it feel like the whole world is against you, huh? Hang in there buddy. This BS will go away in time. I hope and pray you are able to grow whatever you want eventually. Please let this piss you off enough to motivate you to do everything in your power to get your laws changed. Call somebody, get active. However, if you find yourself before a judge with dropped charges on the table act genuinely sorry and be polite!


Well-Known Member
I am not so sure hes bsing. Indiana is fucking weird when it comes to police and marijuana. One of my good friends who lives in indy was arrested and had his home searched with a warrant just because his gf claimed he had beaners and was going to grow marijuana. They got a warrant went into his house and found a zip. They then arrested him and impounded his car that was parked in the garage because they claimed it was a drug running car because it had louisiana temporary plates. So he sat in jail for 2 days while they ripped apart the inside of his car and searched his entire home top to bottom.


Active Member
they of course down loaded what ever from our computors to their files....
Yea, this very same thing happens when the bust a meth lab... they take pictures of the meth and then give it back to you!!! Come on be real. They wouldn't just download they would confiscate... it's evidence after all.

Still BS. What newspaper did it get posted in?