

Well-Known Member
hey man thats ok, atleast ur not hearing wierd sounds in the bedroom beside you god this sucks, what a buzz kill


Well-Known Member
I'm the craziest nigga around,
even though I ain't brown,
I spread the word like fire,
the fire that burns my paper,
holding my weed,
I smoke like it's a chronic disease,
to feel at ease,
hacking d's,
saying I don't need lungs when I'm forty,
passing left to my shorty,
bong out,
buds in,
both ways to payday,
which is getting highday,
2:41 am and I still got something to say.


Well-Known Member
If you suckas in this forum wanna battle me,
then you gotta pay cause this shit ain't free,
cept being a freestyle,
so chill back for a while,
and listen to me,
coming to be,
the man you want to see,
coming alive like I'm more than 3D,
I'll smoke several ounces before I smoke a G,
I'd rather smoke a Key,
then be a broke ass cracka with no money for weed,
or money to grow trees,
that sway in the breeze,
blowing that danky ass kush smell my way,
hope the cop doesn't smell it when he drives down my lane,
I would probably lose my sanity,
cause i've lost it with humanity,
when I wanna grow weed and get high,
and smile extra big when I say hi,
to the piggies that wanna see me behind a steel door,
I'd pop fast to knock em to the floor,
and stab em with knife,
gut them with a strife,
you think that I care that you have a family,
little blue suited piggy,
trying to take my life away from me,
I'll do the same to yours but with a sword not a pen,
I'll win again and again,
cause you don't own me,
just wanna get your hands on me and throw me,
but oh please,
you better be shakin at the knees,
when Radiokills takes the spot,
cause I talk alot,
but it's never about bullshit,
because I'm honest when I smoke my hit,
and reveal it,
which it is my thinking,
and I put it into rhyming,
without drinking in,
to my ability,
to just punk ya,
like a motherfucker high on crack,
Damn straight I got a fat stack,
and you ain't getting nothing from the man,
cause I'm the man,


Well-Known Member
hahaha, well I pretend when I'm in this forum that I'm at a party,
cause I'm basically as fucked up as if I'm at one all the time :)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I could actually be a rapper,
I can make synth beats and freestyle pretty good,
but really,
whats the point.


Well-Known Member
lol well i got a nice condesor mic you can come spit into that and ill make you rich and famous


Well-Known Member
We can use the cash to get a bunch of different ethnic slaves that dance on command.
I think it'd be funny to have an ethiopian and a north korean with gold teeth as backup dancers, wearing coco-nut shells and grass skirts.
Maybe we can buy a couple of hairless animals and pretend we love them but really just use them to gross people out.
I want a helper monkey that can bust weed and either roll it or pack it into my bong and light it for me while it holds it up to my mouth.
I also want a large case of adult diapers and some caffeine free cola when this happens,
So I can shit my pants while a monkey lights my dope.
That would be the life.