Radiation in Canadian Weed?

Amd thank god you did, could you imagine all the chads had their not been a strong culture of chronic before legalozation...
theres no imagining the realty of our Canadian Shwags 101
Its made up pf fools that have never even seen a cannabis plant before lol and the ones that stood up to grow? All suck to get there and we all know they suck because Cannnada cant sell their poison shwags
Its kinda cool but sad to say the least
we are here
..where LP's go ?!lol :)
Aren’t we all on the same side here?

I started this thread to learn more about radiation and weed. Is it safe? How does it affect quality? Other concerns...

Brothers, let’s toke up and realize that some of us want a craft burger and some of us want McDonalds.

It’s safe, but not desirable.

The question is what are they trying to kill with it?

Making up for low quality.

On another note, there was experimentation done years ago gamma irradiating cheap wine to make it taste better. Not sure where they ended up with that project though.
It’s safe, but not desirable.
and you know this how again? what part did you miss?

The question is what are they trying to kill with it?

Making up for low quality.
The IDEA BEHIND IT IS ......................TO KILL BACTERIA AND MOLD.... but this is for FOOD CROPS not Medical Weed you smoke!!
HC doesn't know if its OK they dont think pot is medicine even after losing out in court.
This is a FIASCO ..If they learned how to grow properly None of this would be needed in the first place..All made up by idiots who know shit about OUR INDUSTRY of course
using this BS crap method Makes IT SHIT IN REGARDS TO QUALITY!..

my suggestion to you would be to TRY it

Not quite sure why you would care about Irradiated pot in the first place
ITS NEARLY TOAST or BURNT and USELESS.............. FOR ANY MEDICAL PERSON which was the idea from day one to help the sick..BAD INTENTIONS DUE TO GREED is what its all about unfortunately
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It’s safe as far as it NOT containing ANYTHING radioactive from the irradiation.

After that, you’re preaching to the choir.

My interest in the thread was simple. The title implies there is radiation in Canadian weed, presumably from being irradiated.

I came in simply to point out this is not the case.

I have no other interest than that.

Well maybe besides an interest and knowledge of radioactive isotopes.

Could I irradiate my weed? Sure, but why the fuck would I? No mould in my buds.
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They don't make a secret of the practice. Link below is from Aurora, the second largest cannabis producer in the world.

Bacteria and mold can affect almost any plant crop, marijuana is no exception. Exposure to bacteria and mold may lead to infections, which is a particular risk for medical users with immune-related conditions. This is one of the reasons CanniMed® products are treated with gamma irradiation. We take measures to control mold and bacteria, but irradiation fully eliminates their presence. Irradiation is a recognized and reputable control process that does not alter the chemical properties of dried marijuana. Many of the food products Canadians consume every day, including meats and spices, are treated with gamma irradiation.
Oh, but it does alter the chemical composition.
Aren’t we all on the same side here?

I started this thread to learn more about radiation and weed. Is it safe? How does it affect quality? Other concerns...

Brothers, let’s toke up and realize that some of us want a craft burger and some of us want McDonalds.
I ain't your brother. If you want to see what real herb looks like you can gaze upon my icon for free.
Found this article interesting on how irradiation affects the quality of bud.

they gotta realize to GROW GOOD PRODUCT and not have to use BS tactics(poisons) in order to see a harvest.
SOME OF KNOW HOW.........................Others..as in LP's??!!!! .........well.... not so much :lol:

Aurora Cannabis (NYSE:ACB) received some bad news earlier this month. Germany suspended sales of the company's medical cannabis products in the country. It was unknown at the time, though, exactly what the problem was and just how much the suspension could cost Aurora. Now we have a pretty good idea about the answers to those questions.
Cam Battley, Aurora's chief corporate officer, provided additional details about the issue in his remarks at Marijuana Business Daily's Investor Intelligence Conference last week. He also provided an estimated timeline for resolution that gives a hint about the financial impact on the company.
Person in a business suit with a brown paper bag over their head.

Image source: Getty Images.
An embarrassing situation

In early December, Marijuana Business Daily reported that German regulatory authorities were reviewing what was described as "a proprietary step" in Aurora Cannabis' production process. This process was reportedly related to ensuring the shelf life of cannabis flower.
Battley said last week that the suspension of Aurora's medical cannabis sales in Germany actually was due to the company not having a necessary permit. Aurora used radiation to prevent microbial contamination but didn't obtain a necessary permit for distributing irradiated medical cannabis products in Germany.
Embarrassing? You bet. Battley acknowledged that Aurora was "a little red-faced" about the issue. He added, "Nobody likes an operational hiccup."
Prior to this incident, Aurora seemed to be navigating the German medical cannabis market better than most of its peers. The country's public tender process to allow cultivation of medical cannabis inside Germany attracted 79 companies. Aurora was one of only three winners, along with Aphria and German company Demecan.
This wasn't Aurora's first embarrassment in Europe, though. In November, Italy canceled one of three lots of medical cannabis that the company was to provide due to a lack of compliance with European Union Good Manufacturing Practices (EU GMP) standards.
Paying the price
How much will Aurora's failure to obtain a needed permit in Germany cost the company? Battley didn't give a number, but we can make a pretty good guess.
Battley said last week that it would "take about four weeks" for Aurora to get the permit that it needs to resume selling medical cannabis in Germany. Adding that to the two weeks that the company's suspension has already been in effect, Aurora is likely to go half of the current quarter without sales in the key market.
In its fiscal 2020 first quarter, Aurora recorded 5 million Canadian dollars in net revenue from international medical cannabis sales, up 11% from the previous quarter. Most of that amount was made in Germany.
If we assume that Aurora would have been able to deliver similar growth in the current quarter, the company would have been able to make close to CA$5.6 million in Q2. But thanks to its suspension in Germany, we can cut that figure in half. That puts the cost of Aurora's embarrassing mistake at around CA$2.8 million, or a little over $2 million.
Lol, i never said what i liked or not. I was BM before medical and medical before big ag and etc...now im with legal Cannabis...

Theirs no hard feelings just, legit industrial growing can grow fire at cost it just takes the right people. Theirs a reason why theirs top shelf cannabis and regs...and its not always the genetics fualt.

Homegrows have the market on quality but what happens when LP's figure out how to grow right and produce quality at cost. Not everyone does it but thats simply an outcome not something thats set... if that makes sense..

If you truly believe innovation happens more on the BM id say innovation happens with repetituon and variation...by this years end mark i will have produced soley 17k + plants for my part of our operation. Thats a lot of possibilty for innovation...not really an argument just perspectives
Oh yeah,
So how much do you get paid for growing 17,000 plants?
Well I can confidently say the 2 grows I’ve worked in did not partake in this. I have had some pretty gnarly tasting bud in the past, can you taste chemicals like these?
Well I can confidently say the 2 grows I’ve worked in did not partake in this. I have had some pretty gnarly tasting bud in the past, can you taste chemicals like these?

and they used?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when they got bugs and mold etc...:weed:
burning the shwags aint the way to begin with
Just grasping with a response of NOT KNOWING is all.. and a way of selling SHIT HERB ..