Radiation in Canadian Weed?

It's also not hard to grow, if you can do it so can any LP out there.

So why are LPs losing money hand over fist as we speak to the tune of hundreds of millions? In terms of quality, the LP's are well past a decade behind the home growers at this point, probably closer to two. I have yet to see a good product offered by an LP. Hence the hemorrhaging of money for the LPs. Looks good on them :bigjoint:

The house of cards comes crashing down
He must have no pride to buy from the likes of trudy and his greed bag cohorts and excops/politicians buddies.
Funny how they hated us before they could make money from cannabis users. What kind of creep are you to gladly bust folks then sell them what you busted them for. Talk about NO SET OF PRINCIPLES much. Pretending to be against weed until they saw dollars signs...then turn coat like Benedict Arnold. Fucking disgusting individuals to me.

Yup, a fool and his money soon depart
So why are LPs losing money hand over fist as we speak to the tune of hundreds of millions? In terms of quality, the LP's are well past a decade behind the home growers at this point, probably closer to two. I have yet to see a good product offered by an LP. Hence the hemorrhaging of money for the LPs. Looks good on them :bigjoint:

The house of cards comes crashing down

I didnt say they grow well, I simply said if their stuff is "poison" then so is 90% of the shit folks grow on here. And that in fact an LP cant use even half of the chemicals available to a home grower. They also cant get around testing that a home grower or ACMPR license doesnt need to do.

LPs are shitting the bed for other reasons the number one being supply chain and the inability to compete with black market prices. They also just straight up grow way more weed than Canadians want to consume.
I didnt say they grow well, I simply said if their stuff is "poison" then so is 90% of the shit folks grow on here. And that in fact an LP cant use even half of the chemicals available to a home grower. They also cant get around testing that a home grower or ACMPR license doesnt need to do.

LPs are shitting the bed for other reasons the number one being supply chain and the inability to compete with black market prices. They also just straight up grow way more weed than Canadians want to consume.
We got us a real fool here boys...he's bought their story like a trout taking a fly. Listen to his nonsense blabber. He must be pretty green......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I didnt say they grow well, I simply said if their stuff is "poison" then so is 90% of the shit folks grow on here. And that in fact an LP cant use even half of the chemicals available to a home grower. They also cant get around testing that a home grower or ACMPR license doesnt need to do.

LPs are shitting the bed for other reasons the number one being supply chain and the inability to compete with black market prices. They also just straight up grow way more weed than Canadians want to consume.

AT least he's LEARNED THEY ARE FAILING! :idea:
Keep yappin
and we'll show ya the rest of their BS system. WHICH WE DONT NEED NO ONE DOES EH! :weed::hump::idea::D


If he thinks MORE STORES WILL HELP?? hahahahah

They'll just LOSE BILLIONS is all. Next year will be hilarious ..once the stores are set up NO MORE ORDERS!!!!:hump::idea::-P That's good for about a MONTH and will show through as clear a s day..
Like all the other LP wanna be...Once they realize how badly they are losing ..they resort to BS tactics which in turn shows them the door.. They all run away with their tails between their legs after BEING TOLD..

You've been RICKIED :lol:

I didnt say they grow well, I simply said if their stuff is "poison" then so is 90% of the shit folks grow on here. And that in fact an LP cant use even half of the chemicals available to a home grower. They also cant get around testing that a home grower or ACMPR license doesnt need to do.

LPs are shitting the bed for other reasons the number one being supply chain and the inability to compete with black market prices. They also just straight up grow way more weed than Canadians want to consume.
Again you miss the point. They can't grow for shit. They're tanking because their quality is absolute trash as are their prices.

As for not being able to compete on price, that's an extremely laughable lie. You do know that information is available due to the fact that most of these companies are publicly traded? Their cost per gram is around $0.80 to $1. What supply chain issue exactly? Some LPs are partnered with famous cannabis breeders AND nutrient companies. What chemicals are home growers using exactly that LPs aren't privy to? Do you mean mycobutanil like some LPs use which turns to hydrogen cyanide when combusted? The same stuff the very company who makes it explicitly says not to use it on cannabis?

I personally don't use any pesticides of any type and neither do any other members on here that I know of because this is a medical patients section and why would we poison ourselves? Clean growing practices and a good IPM prevent the need for any kind of pesticides or irradiation. And yes, the LP's grow way more sub par shit ditch weed than Canadians want, because Canadians know better.

I'm hearing a lot of excuses for rather obvious explanations as to why the LPs have been flailing since inception. Losing money on investments perhaps? Or maybe an employee coming to tout the non existent benefits of buying LP?
I didnt say they grow well, I simply said if their stuff is "poison" then so is 90% of the shit folks grow on here. And that in fact an LP cant use even half of the chemicals available to a home grower. They also cant get around testing that a home grower or ACMPR license doesnt need to do.

LPs are shitting the bed for other reasons the number one being supply chain and the inability to compete with black market prices. They also just straight up grow way more weed than Canadians want to consume.

The number one reason is their quality, which for the most part can be equaled by calling a delivery guy and buying a $100 ounce and having it delivered to your door in 20 mins.

The number two is corporate weed goes against the principles of the cannabis community. There is nothing more against this community's values than choking on the long dick of a corporation. Millennials with their fairy sticks/robot dicks that haven't lived through any real prohibition are the only wankers I see embracing "legalization".

The third is, I could buy inferior, poisoned, irradiated garbage for 95% more money than if I grow it myself, but that would make me a chump. After the government treating me like a criminal for most of my adult life, because of my cannabis use, it feels good to see the government sponsored/enforced cunts be the chumps we all knew they would be.
Yes! :)
I could buy inferior, poisoned, irradiated garbage for 95% more money than if I grow it myself, but that would make me a chump. After the government treating me like a criminal for most of my adult life, because of my cannabis use, it feels good to see the government sponsored/enforced cunts be the chumps we all knew they would be.
The number one reason is their quality, which for the most part can be equaled by calling a delivery guy and buying a $100 ounce and having it delivered to your door in 20 mins.

The number two is corporate weed goes against the principles of the cannabis community. There is nothing more against this community's values than choking on the long dick of a corporation. Millennials with their fairy sticks/robot dicks that haven't lived through any real prohibition are the only wankers I see embracing "legalization".

The third is, I could buy inferior, poisoned, irradiated garbage for 95% more money than if I grow it myself, but that would make me a chump. After the government treating me like a criminal for most of my adult life, because of my cannabis use, it feels good to see the government sponsored/enforced cunts be the chumps we all knew they would be.
You sound like me now...you me..same. I like your principles Burt.
This guy's just trolling our collective asses. Nobody with a few active brain cells could think that shit. lol

Don't feed the trolls and they'll eventually get bored and go look elsewhere for new suckers to annoy for their amusement.

I'm going coho fishing every chance I get for the next two weeks out here in the beautiful Fraser Valley. My old stomping grounds!

Again you miss the point. They can't grow for shit. They're tanking because their quality is absolute trash as are their prices.

As for not being able to compete on price, that's an extremely laughable lie. You do know that information is available due to the fact that most of these companies are publicly traded? Their cost per gram is around $0.80 to $1. What supply chain issue exactly? Some LPs are partnered with famous cannabis breeders AND nutrient companies. What chemicals are home growers using exactly that LPs aren't privy to? Do you mean mycobutanil like some LPs use which turns to hydrogen cyanide when combusted? The same stuff the very company who makes it explicitly says not to use it on cannabis?

I personally don't use any pesticides of any type and neither do any other members on here that I know of because this is a medical patients section and why would we poison ourselves? Clean growing practices and a good IPM prevent the need for any kind of pesticides or irradiation. And yes, the LP's grow way more sub par shit ditch weed than Canadians want, because Canadians know better.

I'm hearing a lot of excuses for rather obvious explanations as to why the LPs have been flailing since inception. Losing money on investments perhaps? Or maybe an employee coming to tout the non existent benefits of buying LP?

Cost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc? Feel free to cite your source on that. Invest in weed nah just calling you guys out on unscientific bs such as "cannabis being medicine" or irradiated agriculture being poisonous.

Feel free to look up the health canada list of approved pesticides. LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.

Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.
Cost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc? Feel free to cite your source on that. Invest in weed nah just calling you guys out on unscientific bs such as "cannabis being medicine" or irradiated agriculture being poisonous.

Feel free to look up the health canada list of approved pesticides. LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.

Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.
This guy must have had a brain transplant. Think what you like robot.
Cost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc?

He is correct and if you Google 'Cost to produce legal pot in Canada per gram' or like that you will find links to reputable sources that will say much the same. I figure my home grown is costing around $1/g and that's all indoors with HID lamps. Power is 25¢/kwh hour at home.

The whole LP community has lost over 33 billion in the last 18 months or so and major projects worth that much more are now on hold. Like the DotCom bubble of yor those in the know got in early and made a killing on stock specutlation forcing prices astronomically high with nothing tangible to support the numbers. Not unlike the US dollar since they took it off the gold standard.

Legally recreational 4 plant growers are supposed to buy their seeds or clones from one of the LPs but their prices are too much and the few that have anything aren't selling their primo strains because they know the recipients will just rip-off the genetics just like they did from the legendary breeders that developed the strains that they bought then renamed to sell to suckers like you.

For that reason alone, should you have a shred of what's right or honour, you would spit in the faces of their ex-lawmen CEOs and happily come over to the light side.

Do you not boycott corruption as soon as you are woke? Companies that sell garbage and call it food? Or pollute our children with their toxic factory's effluents for the sake of their shareholders in a bloody orgy of corporate greed?

If not, shame on you. You are indefensible if those are your morals.

Open your mind. Educate yourself.

Read "Hempology 101" by Ted Smith. From 5000BC to today. Tho we never met in person we were great forum friends at Cannabis Culture were I was Admin for the last few years before it shut down last Jan for reasons I am not at liberty to divulge. Without a supenae I ain't saying shit!

It was all about the money and controlling the 'undesirables' both in the original cannabis prohibition and in Nixon's declaration of the 'War on Drugs'. The 'legalization' of Cannabis we now have here in Canuckistan can properly be referred to as Prohibition 2.0. The only thing that has really changed is the drug dealers/cartel some, tho few, buy their pot from.

If you want to be a Trump supporter kind of person and reject real scientific facts and confirmed history then nothing I or other more educated people can say will sway your point of view. I'm not often wrong but when I am I happily admit it and seek atonement for my ignorance.

None of us are beyond redemption and humble pie is actually not bad. ;)

LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.

Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.

The neem oil and bicarb are not approved for agriculture uses in Canaduh but you can get neem at a health food supply and good old Arm&Hammer is great and cheap. There is a whole different reality when it comes to agricultural products with a great many things in common use with gardeners of all things green and every colour using on a regular basis. There again, follow the money.

Until Prohibition 2.0 I could use any solvent to produce concentrated medicine for myself or others and now I could possibly spend up to 14 years in jail. At age 65 now in so-so health that would pretty much be a life sentence. With a diploma in chem and years working in industrial hazardous waste situations as a chemist I could hardly be more qualified. But without certification I'm now a felon. As my wife of 20 years now has liver cancer I'm more than happy to take the risk and purify common solvents like naphtha in my home made still to make medicine for her. I've been doing it for almost two decades without incident.

Again. Educate yourself.
LPs will figure quality out

Thanks for the morning laugh... lol

They already know what quality is and how to achieve it, they choose every day they're in business to put out an inferior product. They've chosen ridiculous executive salaries, advertising budgets and shareholder profits over producing a quality product that sells itself.

After a decade of trying their best to squash the black market, investing millions in lobbyists and coercing the government to stack the deck in their favor, they've successfully priced themselves out of the market they created for themselves. What a bunch of chumps, billions of dollars squandered and nothing but a river of red ink. Lol, fuck them!!!
The neem oil and bicarb are not approved for agriculture uses in Canaduh but you can get neem at a health food supply and good old Arm&Hammer is great and cheap. There is a whole different reality when it comes to agricultural products with a great many things in common use with gardeners of all things green and every colour using on a regular basis. There again, follow the money.

Until Prohibition 2.0 I could use any solvent to produce concentrated medicine for myself or others and now I could possibly spend up to 14 years in jail. At age 65 now in so-so health that would pretty much be a life sentence. With a diploma in chem and years working in industrial hazardous waste situations as a chemist I could hardly be more qualified. But without certification I'm now a felon. As my wife of 20 years now has liver cancer I'm more than happy to take the risk and purify common solvents like naphtha in my home made still to make medicine for her. I've been doing it for almost two decades without incident.

Again. Educate yourself.
you know it
..if I listened to the idiots about my diagnosis ..Id be dead..
thanks CANNABIS and MAKING YOUR OWN MEDS :weed::clap:

this moron would roll over and die.. :idea:
Cost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc? Feel free to cite your source on that. Invest in weed nah just calling you guys out on unscientific bs such as "cannabis being medicine" or irradiated agriculture being poisonous.

Feel free to look up the health canada list of approved pesticides. LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.

Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.
Anything turned into a concentrate will also concentrate any substances used on said plants,,,there is only one clean medicine and thats something with zero additives....plain and simple.....practically the same as toxins building up in fish that swim in contaminated waters....
do you eat them? hell no....
do you use LP weeds as meds.....Hell no....plain and simple
Cost per gram of an LP at 81 cents? Including overhead, marketing, etc? Feel free to cite your source on that. Invest in weed nah just calling you guys out on unscientific bs such as "cannabis being medicine" or irradiated agriculture being poisonous.

Feel free to look up the health canada list of approved pesticides. LPs can't even using neem oil or sodium bicarbonate.

Weed's going to go the same way as alcohol. Sure some people brew their own at home as a hobby, but most people dont. LPs will figure quality out or go under, simple as that.
No one claimed irradiated agriculture was poison. We stated irradiated Cannabis is the issue as there is no testing on the combustion of irradiated Cannabis. Not to mention it destroys terpenes which play a large in the entourage effect with other cannabinoids. As for your claim it isnt medicine you might want to do research.

Hey, speaking of research and how you're too fucking daft to do it yourself because you're too busy spouting off about shit you have NO clue about:

Aurora Cannabis shares sink on weak results and halting construction of cannabis plants

By Ross MarowitsThe Canadian Press
Fri., Nov. 15, 2019timer3 min. read
Aurora Cannabis Inc. shares sank to a two-year low Friday after its revenues missed expectations and the pot producer announced it was halting construction at one production facility and pausing work at another to save more than $190 million in planned expenses.
The Edmonton-based company’s shares fell to a low of $3.57 and closed down 79 cents or 18 per cent to $3.59 in trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Aurora announced after markets closed on Thursday that it will immediately cease construction of its Aurora Nordic 2 facility in Denmark to save about $80 million over the next year, as well as indefinitely defer completion of construction and commissioning at its Aurora Sun facility in Alberta to conserve $110 million.

“We’re making sound decisions in reducing capex based on global demand,” founder and CEO Terry Booth said during a conference call.
The company said it is adjusting the construction timeline for both facilities to more closely align with its expectations for the timing of increasing Canadian and international demand.
“The past few months have been challenging for the broader cannabis industry between issues of governance, evolving consumer demand and provincial retail bottlenecks, there’s been no shortage of negative news,” added chief corporate officer Cameron Battley.
“That said, I want to reiterate that our view of the opportunity in the Canadian and global cannabis industry is still extremely robust. It’s important to remind ourselves that the Canadian consumer market is just over a year old. These issues will take a little time to resolve. But in the end, we’ll be a stronger business because of it.”

The construction decisions come as the company reported net income of $10.4 million for the quarter ending Sept. 30, compared with net income of $104.2 million for the same quarter last year.
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Brad Pitt’s new girl is made of sterner stuff: Stargazing

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Aurora Cannabis will be profitable before ‘any of its peers,’ chairman says

Aurora missed expectations as its adjusted earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was negative $39.7 million for its first quarter of fiscal 2020. That compared with a loss of $67.6 million a year earlier and a loss of $11.7 million the fourth quarter ended in June.
Revenues were $75.3 million in the first quarter, up from $29.7 million for the same quarter last year, but down from the $94.6 million in the prior quarter.
Analysts had expected adjusted EBITDA loss of $18.6 million and revenue of $93.31 million, according to financial markets data firm Refinitiv.
While medical marijuana sales grew three per cent from the fourth quarter as the number of patients hit a record 91,000, consumer cannabis sales dropped 33 per cent on slowing demand from provinces as they work through high inventory levels.
Analyst John Chu of Desjardins Capital Markets slashed his target price for Aurora by more than half to $6.50 per share after cutting his sales and EBITDA forecasts following Aurora’s release of its first-quarter results.
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Landlords lose appeal over Toronto’s new rules to limit Airbnb, other short-term rentals

“We still believe there remains tremendous growth in the sector and have maintained similar year-over-year sales growth rate estimates for our fiscal year 2021-2023 forecast periods, but operating off a lower base following the soft first quarter results,” he wrote in a report, adding that he’s maintaining his buy rating.
“Aurora is generating industry-leading gross margins, improving cost per gram and has award-winning strains that should continue to resonate with consumers.”
Despite some of the negative results, Battley said its cash cost to produce fell 25 per cent to 85 cents per gram, the average net selling price per gram was up seven per cent, kilograms produced climbed 43 per cent to 41,436 kilograms and its gross margin was stable at 58 per cent “which is head and shoulders above our peers.”
Based on these returns, Aurora says it would need to generate $130 million of revenue to become profitable, less than half the total that would be required by a comparable company earning lower margins.
The company said it is preparing to supply new products, referred to as Cannabis 2.0, that have recently become legal that it says will help to reduce the illegal market.
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I’m excited as hell about 2.0,“ said Booth. ”I know I’m supposed to be told be conservative, Terry, but I really am pumped about how Aurora has done its job and getting ready for 2.0. And all indicators from our retailers, from our provinces, from Health Canada and all the little hints that you hear says that Aurora is at the top of that pack as well. So we’re pretty pumped.“
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 15, 2019.

What was that about the cost per gram not being $0.80 to $1.00/gram to produce again? It's almost like cannabis is cheap to produce, huh GO FIGURE. Can you read it or do i need to make it larger? Take your head out of your fucking ass, you might learn something someday, especially from those who know better.......................................