Radiant Heat vs Air Temperature


Well-Known Member
As a new grower, I am trying to understand some things about the heat in my grow space. According to my research, the air temperature in your grow room should be kept below 80 degrees (air temperature) and ideally would have about a 10 degree difference between lights on and off. My question however comes into play more so with the radiant heat that the canopy of our plants receive from the light.

The search I have found on many sights states that the plants can handle slight higher radiant temperatures then overall air temps. From my readings, most plants can handle a radiant temp of 90+ as long as with air circulation your air temps don't exceed 80. At this point I have kept my canopy below 81 at most, but had backed my light off to insure it wouldn't cause issues.

I have 2 smalls fans plus one larger oscillating fan, as well as a small humidifier in my approximately 10 sq ft set up. Just looking for opinions/experience with dealing with canopy temps at a higher level then over all air temps!

Thanks in advance for your help.

Toaster D

Well-Known Member
I think your trying to hard to hit perfection based on alot of research. I did the same exact thing you did. Personally, I think anything in the 70's or 80's is going to be just fine for the most part. I think my temps naturally cool off about 10 degrees with lights off.

BTW. To show resiliency. Take a look at my girl I am about to harvest in less than a week or so. I had alot of issue with heat. Look at the high temp, when I got in it was maxed at 131 degrees at canopy. :wall: (Had a breaker go down and with it my portable AC and exhaust fan) I ended up relocating into a portable box for 3 1/2 weeks. Then I had a 125a subpanel installed. Went from 600 HPSw to 300w LED back to 600w HPS too.

I think once you get a good start without the nutrient issues you will have a much easier go of it.

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Well-Known Member
Probably doesn't help either that I'm currently taking an Environmental Science class right now that we are heavily discussing plant growth, soil nutrients, etc. However, as a first time grower I am just trying to test the waters and see what other growers have to say. Seems that every individual has their own views on what the "best" way is. Sounds like I just need to work on dialing in my grow with what works for me and the girls in my garden.


Well-Known Member
Ya way over thinking it... with no appreciable affect
Why every grower has their own methods

Ive ran clones in the 100's for all of flower and same clones in mid 70's.. or even more exaggerated, when growing year round in texas, able to flower year round winters will be freezing and summers pretty hot. Only real dif is nute concentration needing altered with increased transpiration etc
Buds still dense, same coffee stank and high.. still flowered about 7 weeks on the clones