Racy heart sativa's?


Well-Known Member
Hey boys been getting some dank sativa doms lately... anyone else get the really racy heart? like a palpitation on pills almost... smoking ak47! cheers for any input..


Active Member
I've gotten stuff like this before, it always freaks me the fuck out, no matter how hard I try to remind myself I'm fine. And then when I get more freaked out my heart races even harder >.<.


Well-Known Member
Yeh im new to the sativa's i love em tho for the buzz just dont like the heart race that comes with it!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
DEATH WIDOW was like that i smoked it and was so fucken triped out every lil noise made me feel like a crack head looking out the window n looking outside i had to tell my self NO THEY DONT HAVE X RAY VISION fuck me why OW WHY DID I GET HIGH ow shit man OW SHIT MAN OW FUCKEN SHIT MAN!!! and just locking up in bed like a lil bitch in a fetal position woundering why did it smoke this shit y Y WHY!!!! heart pounding like a fucken rase horse palputations swetty hands and then it was over THANK GOD.... no way man im a feather weight wen it comes to sativas like that not for me but other friends loved it.. ITS DISCONTINUED but man it was asume..


Well-Known Member
Yeh i thought it might have been me unfit or something eating to much junk and im gonna die lol!! just the sativa doing its thing!


Well-Known Member
Follow up to the thread self diagnosed a eptopic heart beart... Similar to palpitations but with a thud at the end comes and go's!