racist sites?

I just read what those racists Dudes said! makes me angry saying the holocaust never happend...is slavory a myth to? Some things u just dont say! If i would hear someone talking out of their Ass in person the way they did over the net i would seriously get into a fight....
are you a monkey?
Lol we are all animals beardo....stop trying to put yourself or us the human race ona pedistool just cuz ur brain can comprehend more then that of an animal..what im pretty much saying is just cuz u can convince urself ur more important or better or different or more entitled doesnt mean u really are...in my opinion it actually shows how little ur brain really is ..just my opinion tho buddy but i am an animal so my opinion shouldn't. Really matter to the great bearded grand wizard,,lol
Lol we are all animals beardo....stop trying to put yourself or us the human race ona pedistool just cuz ur brain can comprehend more then that of an animal..what im pretty much saying is just cuz u can convince urself ur more important or better or different or more entitled doesnt mean u really are...in my opinion it actually shows how little ur brain really is ..just my opinion tho buddy but i am an animal so my opinion shouldn't. Really matter to the great bearded grand wizard,,lol
What i'm saying is that one of the things that is supposed to separate humans is the ability to use self control and intellect over emotion and not attack someone because they don't like what they have to say.
I think self control only exists to a certain extent like i said before we are smarter then quote quote animals so we invented rules. On behavior and how we shuld carry ourselves whats right whats wrong and so on...we try to hold on to our beliefs as hard as we can becouse if we dont we would be just animals and we cant have that ..we long to be more important we need to .we used to think we where in the center of the universe and today we know we are not i know this reality is scary and hard to accept be happy with who u are but realize ur as important as that tree in your yard thats bin their for 70 years.....just some food for thought!!