Rachel Hoffman, RIP


Well-Known Member
So below is a story i came across today, I would love to hear other peoples opinion on this subject.

Hoffman was caught with marijuana and ecstasy in Florida after a raid on her apartment. After threatening her with prison time, the police then gave Hoffman the option of becoming an informant–without first consulting with her lawyer. They set up a deal with her connection. What happened in between isn’t yet clear. But they found her body late last week.
Proving once again that the most dangerous thing about illicit drugs like ecstasy and marijuana isn’t the drugs themselves. It’s what the government does to you after you’re caught with them.
Several of Hoffman’s friends and family have emailed me. They say the police told her to set up an a purchase of 1,500 ecstasy pills, two ounces of cocaine, and a gun that would have totaled well more than $10,000. They also say the amount and the inclusion of cocaine and the gun would have been unusual for Hoffman. If true, that’s a bush-league move that almost certainly tipped these guys off. The gun, I guess, was so the authorities could hit the dealers with an extra charge of using a gun in the commission of a drug crime, which sends the mandatory minimums through the roof.
The first thing the Tallahassee police did after announcing that they’d found Hoffman’s body was blame Hoffman for her own death. They then said they themselves “followed all the proper protocols.” Pardon my French, but maybe that’s a good indication that it’s time to change the fucking protocols.
Sad as it is to say, maybe the death of a young, pretty, white college girl with a promising future will finally draw some scrutiny to this absurd, shady, under-the-radar business of drug informants. I doubt it. But maybe.
MORE: The article has since been updated. Look like the setup came after the police executed a search warrant on Hoffman’s apartment, and found a little over 5 ounces of marijuana, six ecstasy pills, and some paraphernalia. That’s what they threatened her with to get her to turn into an informant. I’d imagine the thugs who killed her smelled the set-up from a mile away. The article also notes that not only didn’t the police let Hoffman’s attorney know they were wiring her up, they didn’t even bother to inform the prosecutor.


Active Member
wow mann the fuckin cops never cease to amaze me with this informant shit u guna tell me they guna send a college girl to pick up 15oo extc pillz a gun n sum bud n expect her to wear a wire n not get killed man these fukin piglets neva see things frum the otha side of the stick i for one am offended n would jus like to say FUK THE POLICE


Well-Known Member
said they themselves “followed all the proper protocols.” Pardon my French, but maybe that’s a good indication that it’s time to change the fucking protocols. yep but don't hold your breath, they aren't gonna do a damn thing but what they are already doing which is fucking up peoples lives.


Well-Known Member
Yea its a fucked up situation it really made me mad to see this young girl scared for her future so she agrees to help the cops, then what happens, they screw up and let her down, resulting in her death.

There defense is they she didn't do what they told her to, when in fact if she did that she wouldn't be in that situation. If she didn't turn to being an informant, took the bullshit charges she would still be alive at least!


New Member
This isn't the first time this has happend. A few years ago a 17 year-old was murdered by drug thugs trying to inform for the police. I forget the city and exact date ... but it was on the news.

The drug war is evil.



Well-Known Member
This chick was grad at FSU................a fucking a gun and coke...............she was a college girl, and fuckin cops have her buy coke and a gun are you fucking kidding me, I have alot friends who live in Tallahassee. who told me about this.


Active Member
If you grow, buy, sell, or smoke pot the police want you dead! Don't let them kill you. Everyone go buy a gun right now. Never trust the police EVER. They ARE out to get you!