Rabbits - What's the best way to deal with them?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I am putting a few plants outside up my hill. I know there are Rabbits around and I want to know the best way to deal with them.

The plants will go into 15 gallon nursery pots buried in the ground.

I was thinking of wrapping them up in chicken wire ?

Any ideas would be helpful, let me know what you are doing. :blsmoke:
A trick I read about in a gardening magazine, over thirty years ago.

Lay a 2 foot wide strip of 2" chicken wire around your plants, suspended six inches off the ground.

Anchor as needed so that it remains taut.

Four legged critters won't cross that because they would be trapped if a coyote,etc. were to catch them standing in it.

6" remesh will do the same for deer.
A trick I read about in a gardening magazine, over thirty years ago.

Lay a 2 foot wide strip of 2" chicken wire around your plants, suspended six inches off the ground.

Anchor as needed so that it remains taut.

Four legged critters won't cross that because they would be trapped if a coyote,etc. were to catch them standing in it.

6" remesh will do the same for deer.

Very interesting - rep+

Another question ? When the plants get bigger, like a few feet, do the rabbits still want them or are they just after the sprouts? :blsmoke:
get the chicken wire. sit at the top of the hill with a .22 and shoot the rabbits. not really though more humanely you can buy spring loaded snares and snare them at their holes and relocate them. me on the other hand i like the shooting idea haha lol good luck
Very interesting - rep+

Another question ? When the plants get bigger, like a few feet, do the rabbits still want them or are they just after the sprouts? :blsmoke:

As the plants grow, they get more potent which is less attractive to bunnies.

Stoned bunnies don't last long around hungry coyotes.
Well if you're like me and can't afford or don't want to go out and buy chicken wire. I piss around the area were my plants are NOT DIRECTLY ON THEM. I also herd that if you get human or dog hair clipings it also works wonders. Reapply all of these after a rain.
I always use chicken wire cause the lil fuckers are everywhere around here lol(not really funny i kno). In the past few years i have burried water bottles filled with bleach and laundry detergent. Fill em about 3/4 full with the mix and bury them so only about an inch of the top is above the soil. I also put soap around the perimeter that i shaved off wit a pocket knife. There is a product out there called "liquid fence" and it works great but i like to find and use cheaper alternatives. Hope this helps and happy growing.
if the plants are tall i'd just cut off all of the bottom leaves. if they were not i'd just sit outside and shoot the rabbits. jk, the chicken wire works.
I just go around the corner to the barber shop and collect some hair... put hair into some porous containers (so it doesn't blow away).

You could maybe try golf balls scattered around the plants.. that works with squirrels for me.

Yeah once your plants get about 20" theyre good to go.
I was reading something last week for my outside veggie garden.....they said get a old green hose and cut into 2 foot sections and lay them around the garden. The rabbits will think they are snakes and stay away. The other thing i have used, but already mentioned, is go to a barber shop and ask them for the hair clippings and spread them aroung the garden.

I dont think using chicken wire is wise for a gerrilla grow. The least attention drawn the better, right??? Hope this helps!
there is a new product out this year called electric fence.. its all organic... i seen it on tv. but can't find the web site.....sorry
I use liquid fence. I keep two spray bottles handy, (used to keep two spray bottles at each sight, not a good idea for a GG though ) one has the anti bla bla bla in it, organic of course, and the other one has the liquid fence, so when ever I go out to visit one of my grows I just bring the bottles and spray. It is part of my regime, so far there really haven't been any problems, well except for that one time. Like a doodoo, I used fish emulsion mix with water and fed my plants, well that was like baiting the critters, but even then, they only dug around my plants, I guess looking for some fish, I replanted the one's I could. Liquid Fence, you can buy the concentrate and dilute yourself. :peace:
I use liquid fence. I keep two spray bottles handy, (used to keep two spray bottles at each sight, not a good idea for a GG though ) one has the anti bla bla bla in it, organic of course, and the other one has the liquid fence, so when ever I go out to visit one of my grows I just bring the bottles and spray. It is part of my regime, so far there really haven't been any problems, well except for that one time. Like a doodoo, I used fish emulsion mix with water and fed my plants, well that was like baiting the critters, but even then, they only dug around my plants, I guess looking for some fish, I replanted the one's I could. Liquid Fence, you can buy the concentrate and dilute yourself. :peace:
ya thats the stuff. no wonder i could not find, its liquid not electric.. me dumb ass....LOL soory.