Well-Known Member
This is the kind of bud you will get if you don't use rabbit shit.

The NPK of rabbit manure is 2.4/1.4/0.6.make sure it compost for a few months before you use it. it's to hot to use straight. some really good threads in the organics section talking about differnt shit.
Good shit homesliceFor 120 plants, I hauled 2 truck-loads of Rabbit Manure, planted in it & poor soil. They are kicking ass. Up to 6'-6" right now, 2 more months to go. 2 loads, $20. bucks, I like it.
Dude, it was old, already. Ground to hard to dig, so I built up 10 plus inches of pure Rabbit, Cut the bottom out of the containers, planted with the Rabbit, double had-fulls of worms & worm dirt from the worm farm, good potting siol mixture, with 40 lbs. of greensand on the native ground, washed in with cow tea, cornmeal, molasses, seaweed & some other shit. Now I just pour water in the containers, and around, every 2 days. Alway wash the urine out of the Rabbit shit first, then use. Worms love it. I also put store-bought fungi around the root system. The Ladies are growing at an amazing rate. They are bitching about wanting more molasses & seaweed. Later Dude.
Obviously you haven't done your homework. You are trying to discourage the use of one of the best ferts available. Before you go posting something as fact, try seeing if it's actually true or not. Maybe you oughtta stick to the pre-mixed "grow in a bottle" kinda nutes. The nute companies have done all the work for you so you don't even have to think. You do'll get this. Simple.Go ahead, I advised you not too. Your descion at the end of the day.
Take a look at my sig, you will see, I don't grow rubbish I grow dank.
I'm out.
I wouldn't tbh...
bit unhygenic and dont want the groom smelling of rabbit shit or rabbit hutch.
Buy bat guano, no smell, cheap, organic and does the job.
even so,
it's not hygenic for buds your gonna smoke
What is?
2. Little bits of rabbit shit which may not smell, will soon start to smell as it will take for ever to break down in soil.
Again, ignorance speaking. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those "unhygienic"bacteria will break it down in no time.
3) Bat Guano is proven to be better and also cheap as chips.
And again, Unless you have a bat cave on your land, bat shit is NOT cheap. It's expensive as HELL. Yes, it's a great feed for the girls, no doubt about it, but BETTER than bunny poop? NOT! I'd love to see the study that proves that. And Bat Shit can KILL youwithout taking proper precautions like wearing a dust mask.
4) Bacteria thrive of nice warm, humid sweaty location and will breed rapidly. FACT.
Thats what you want to happen. Bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi are the basis for organic gardening. Without them nothing happens.
This is the kind of bud you will get if you don't use rabbit shit.
DO NOT boil nothing, do not micro nothing, do not use that shit-human drinking water, tap or bottled. It's all BS. If you must, let it breath over night. I use rain water. My tallest Ladies is 7' now, 1 &1/2 inch per day, just topped (fim'ed) yesterday, about 40 branches, just at pre-flower. 40 will get you 80 (buds). Will be up & running, on-line in 2 weeks. I will order seeds in Nov., start the germ shit, then start the underground watering systems, etc. I want my water reserve built to look like a deer stand. We will review all the techniques, starting in Nov. I think I'm close to where I wanted to be. MKAY 420, I'm impressed with the attitude, you will go far. If you can get into my old post/threads, there is some good info, soil, etc. Later Dudes
I couldn't have put it better S. Texas!!
well actually if you do a little bit of reading rabbit poop is not a strong smelling manure and has quite a bit more N than most sea bird guano.I wouldn't tbh... bit unhygenic and dont want the groom smelling of rabbit shit or rabbit hutch.
Buy bat guano, no smell, cheap, organic and does the job.