Rabbit manure compost in soil mix


Well-Known Member
I have some 1+ year old rabbit manure compost pile sitting in back yard and wanted to try some in my new soil mix. Stuff is dark and smell earthy full of worms. What would you guys recommend using per cubic ft soil?


Well-Known Member
Is your soil amended with anything else? Here is a soil test with my rabbit manure. it got rained on a few times, so N is low. Also, Mn is always low with my compost so I add green sand while its composting. Did you have any woody material like tree bark or limbs? It helps produce humic acid from the lignin. I'm just trying to help you out next time. Farmers use wood chips with the cow manure. The step beyond that would be adding comfrey, nettle, and/or borage for micronutrients. I wouldn't expect our compost to be very similar, it's just an idea of what you have.


Well-Known Member
My soil is amended with 1/4 cup of neem meal, fish bone meal, crab meal, oysters shell and kelp meal per cubic ft. I don’t have any woody material. I do have 2 year old pile of leaves composted Sitting in back yard also wanted to see if I could mix some in to soil mix.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have any woody material. I do have 2 year old pile of leaves composted Sitting in back yard
That's it, leaves work. The woody material helps with building humic acid and it will help chelate micronutrients and keep them from being locked up or leached. Leaf compost will also be more fungal dominate while your manure compost will be bacteria. Here is a look at my leaf compost from last Nov, it was 1yr old at the time.


Well-Known Member
That's it, leaves work. The woody material helps with building humic acid and it will help chelate micronutrients and keep them from being locked up or leached. Leaf compost will also be more fungal dominate while your manure compost will be bacteria. Here is a look at my leaf compost from last Nov, it was 1yr old at the time.
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That stuff looks awesome, super active. I’ve got a few 4’ x 4’ filled with leaves from last fall, they’ve definitely started to breakdown a bit as the cages have shrunk up almost in half but I don’t see the good fungal life like yours stang. How are you composting yours ? Did you add anything to the piles ?


Well-Known Member
That stuff looks awesome, super active. I’ve got a few 4’ x 4’ filled with leaves from last fall, they’ve definitely started to breakdown a bit as the cages have shrunk up almost in half but I don’t see the good fungal life like yours stang. How are you composting yours ? Did you add anything to the piles ?
My neighbor had a bunch of plastic pallets, so I traded him some weed for a few. I'm adding red wheat bran bokashi to my worm bin here. My worm bin is a mix of rabbit bedding, oak leaves, and grass clippings. I added some rock dust since then, it's in the silver bowl.

I gave the right side more bokashi bran than the left. It really helped speed things up. You can still see leaves on the left. This is the same stuff from my previous pic, just 6mo later.