Interesting, kush is something lacking in our shared library, just not a personal preference, but an older varietal is what i'd be looking for in that regard. ..and ya totally, he was a Cookies n Cream x R2, should've clarified that... I'm just looking to work that line back toward the R2, but in order to do so, need to know/experience more of what the true R2 is... hence, wanting that cutting from you

specifically, what i'm most interested in is figuring out if NL2 and Thai really are in the lineage, and working a couple lines in those directions. My plan is, for now, if I get that clone, to pollinate it with my most R2 male from my Ccr cross and back cross toward R2... Just to have something closely related/resembling the original R2, if ya catch my drift... and, good to know about the structure. I had a female that took on a more xmas tree shape, and was the one I selected for pollination, due to structure, smell, nodal spacing and vigor, however, she got ripped so I only ended up with the other two, with a short supply of seed.