r these plant ok

got 4 plants (1@10'' 3@7'') i give them 20-20-20 jacks classic with micronutrients. soil ph is 7 ,using ffof soil, 78-80 degree's lights on with small fan,and 67-70 lights off no fan humidity is around 20-50 percent, depends on the day(fuckin bullshit) 8 cfl's @ 1650 lumers 6500k daylight, growing in a fridge. the plants are 4 weeks old sometimes the leaves curl up other days down, shit some days they canoe and they can be straight, some of them seem to look wrinkled but not dry, the bigger plants are those small one's , just 10 days older, at that time they were 2 1/2 weeks old. the stem is lil bigger than a pencil and for the size of the plant that cant b right, so i got them stretching, (just for a lil while) 7-10 inches in a month thats bullshit. i wanna smoke it be 4 i grow it , shit smells gooooooood strong, but i got to b doing something for them to look like this, thanks 4 the help.Photo on 2012-04-18 at 08.13 #2.jpgPhoto on 2012-04-18 at 08.08.jpgPhoto on 2012-04-18 at 08.11.jpgPhoto on 2012-04-07 at 11.50.jpg


Active Member
I have no clue what your asking, nor what your explanation means.... Try re writing your question... Those plants look healthy as hell to me


Active Member
Usually if the leaves curl up its cuz they are to close to the light and down they need watering , Usually or ph issue. But like jay said they look good too me. Good luck.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
It is a little confusing.
Do you have holes in the buckets?
The leave curling under is from over water. Curling up from under water or nute burn, but your ph seems ok. Hence the question about the holes in the buckets.
You need a small fan to keep the plant alive. It needs fresh air.
Are you gonna top them?


Well-Known Member
Well for starters, yer plants look nice and healthy to me... And unfortunately, you will have to grow them out and flower them to ripeness before you can smoke them... Other than that, I think yer internodal spacing looks great, and so far, so good... All I could suggest is finding a nice HID, like a 250-400W HPS to flower them under after a few more weeks of vegetative growth, and also a larger sized space to flower them out in, because from the looks of it, u r already almost maxed out in the space I see them in, and when u switch them to 12/12, they r gonna get 2 or 3X as big as they r now... And with a HPS kit, Magnetic core and coil, u can also use MH lamps of the same wattage to use for yer future vegetative growing... If yer leaves r "canoing", this could mean several things, most likely heat stress, so try to back off the lights if u can and increase air flow...