R E A L L Y ? Should the CO victims hold the theatre and movie responsible?

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Needless to say, I do have some ties with one of the victims so this situation does hit home a bit. I just cannot believe that law suits are already beginning to roll out from victims. I understand that with all of the medical bills that occur in this type of situation you need security but why would you feel the need to sue the theatre and studio? Especially with all of the financial aid and support already pouring in nation wide! Why can't people just stop and think of their consequences prior to rash action? Yes, you were the victim of a tragedy, but now you are going to blame violent movies and lack of security for this? No. Blame the psycho. Don't blame security after all of the bullshit that we had to deal with when terrorism was enemy number one. Don't blame media after all of the fights we've had to endure with the FCC. Blame the person that shot you. Everyone makes their own decisions. Maybe i'm just being an asshole but this just really frustrates me.


Well-Known Member
No they should just blame America why the fuk do you need a gun in the first place OHH YEH coz your funkin cowards. Well some of you are nice.

My father taught me how to fight like a man.

Only hard cunts have guns not SHIT would like to see half of the gun owners go to Easterhouse see how long they last in real fight.

Any twat can fire a gun.
Seriously? Cmon man dont be such a bitch about guns.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes they should sue the heck out of everyone!
This is America we'll sue you if we burn oue selve with your coffee.


Well-Known Member
If it happened at a yogurt shop, would they sue because there wasn't enough security and enact laws to regulate yogurt? Probably.

Everyone is always looking to blame something or someone else rather than the person responsible


Well-Known Member
Needless to say, I do have some ties with one of the victims so this situation does hit home a bit. I just cannot believe that law suits are already beginning to roll out from victims. I understand that with all of the medical bills that occur in this type of situation you need security but why would you feel the need to sue the theatre and studio? Especially with all of the financial aid and support already pouring in nation wide! Why can't people just stop and think of their consequences prior to rash action? Yes, you were the victim of a tragedy, but now you are going to blame violent movies and lack of security for this? No. Blame the psycho. Don't blame security after all of the bullshit that we had to deal with when terrorism was enemy number one. Don't blame media after all of the fights we've had to endure with the FCC. Blame the person that shot you. Everyone makes their own decisions. Maybe i'm just being an asshole but this just really frustrates me.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Well-Known Member
I agree with suing the movie theater. Why was there not an alarm on the door? The first thing I asked after this happened was how he got in threw the exit, and I can't believe this all could have been avoided if they would have put an alarm on the door.

Suing Warner Brothers won't get them anything, the movie is protected as free speech.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I agree with suing the movie theater. Why was there not an alarm on the door? The first thing I asked after this happened was how he got in threw the exit, and I can't believe this all could have been avoided if they would have put an alarm on the door.

Suing Warner Brothers won't get them anything, the movie is protected as free speech.
Like no one's ever walked through a security exit on the wrong side? How many people hear a door alarm and immediately take off running because they think it's a dude coming through about to fuck up everything?


Active Member
They should hold the gun store that sold the fukwit that sold him the gun as they should be more aware of the people they sell guns to.


Well-Known Member
Like no one's ever walked through a security exit on the wrong side? How many people hear a door alarm and immediately take off running because they think it's a dude coming through about to fuck up everything?
At a movie theater that I have been to? No, I have never seen anyone go out of the emergency exits at the front of the theater.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when society turns their backs on the crazys and lets them run the neighborhood.


This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Their suing the movie theater that got shot up in a horrible tragedy.unless the theater knew about the attack and didn't act, these people are just going to lose money. That man is probably schizophrenic, the behavior he shows is common among people who are in the early stages. Dont call him a psycho, he is going through the most terrifying moment of his life. Dont take this the wrong way, its awful what he dif andmy heart goes to the victims, but in a sense he is also a victim. He is the victim of a failed system, they all are.The odd twitches, stopping social interaction, paranoia and delusions are all signs of schizophrenia. He should get treated in an institution (he's not getting out), not prison.