Qwiso hash results judgement needed


Well-Known Member
Today on a bored Sunday I decided to try a quick wash method for the first time. Please let me know what you think. How does everyone consume their qwiso hash?


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It does look kinda bad man.

Id just top some bud with it as it's a bit dirty

Remember to chill the bud and 91-99% iso in the freezer at least 24 hrs. Preferably stage filtering with a mesh holding back bud and then filter with coffee filter.
Do a 20-30second wash no more
Looks like graviolis, bro. Bet it still gets you there though.

I would roll up a fat oiler and split it with some buddies. Tell them it's Labrador some something.
I should have include that this all is a product of me throwing my grinder in a pint glass jar with so ISO shaking it for 30 seconds and pouring it out. Still say I should ingest it? Thanks for all the input
Yeah I would smoke it, it is a little dark but that's from the material being broken up and the time used for shaking. Just means more chlorophyll got in and it might not taste as good as it could.