

Well-Known Member
dam those nugs are looking better and better. cant wait to see the finished product.

oh nice! what kind of beans and what else do you guys have?
we have almost 1000 acres of soybeans and around 900 acres of commercial corn. we also have about 35 angus beef cattle...we just keep the meat for ourselves and sell to a few friends.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man. nice and fresh too...i just had a steak tonight that was still mooing a couple days ago lol.


Well-Known Member
heyy man. lookin GREAT!! i got a question for ya tho.. u see how the tips of ur leaves are kinda light yellow.. and have a tint of purple... is that because its a purple strain/ a strain that has purple in it? i have a super skunk that a lil over 7 weeks into flowering.. and the tips of my leaves are startin to turn purple too.. do u think that it might end up turning a little bit purple? or is that just wishful thinking... lol u can check out my signature if u wanna see pics


the buds are looking awesome!!! lots of variety gotta love that its nice to have different pheno's and strains. that way you dont get used to smoking just 1 strain.
i always make sure i have as much variety as possible. also how is that Querkle?? i just got a cutting of Subcool/TGA's the Flav all there stuff looks nice but i would rather here it from someone who has grown there genetics. just curious are the genetics stable or is there allot of variation?
i guess the Flav is- Romulan x Space Queen (80% Rom x 20% SQ) both great strains i just hope whoever took the cut i got has a good eye for selecting keepers!!
any info on there gear would be cool. :mrgreen: other then that keep up the killer work :joint:


Well-Known Member
i just got a cutting of Subcool/TGA's the Flav all there stuff looks nice but i would rather here it from someone who has grown there genetics. just curious are the genetics stable or is there allot of variation?
i guess the Flav is- Romulan x Space Queen (80% Rom x 20% SQ) both great strains i just hope whoever took the cut i got has a good eye for selecting keepers!!
any info on there gear would be cool. :mrgreen: other then that keep up the killer work :joint:
i smoked some of The Flav a while back..great smoke, one of my favorites. you'll love it.
tga is about as good as it gets. if you dont know too much about tga check out these links.


yea i no a handful of people who grew there gear and i hear very good thing's about Subcool/TGA!! but i also hear just as much bad stuff about them.
i just hope the grower had a good eye for keepers and its a killer pheno. i guess he just flowered a bunch of small plants just to find the keeper so i hope it was a good selection.
the pics of his vegging plant looks to have the same exact structure as my Romulan.


Active Member
hey, how are things going? i finally put up some good pics. got some good white widow pics too. you have some great pics up.


Oh how those Meds look so tempting sitting in jars upon my shelf. But I can't touch until they are finished curing. Thanks to my medicine man Rzza!!


Well-Known Member
the smoke has been great and ive been having a blast setting up the new flower room. heres a couple pics including a sneak peak of part of the new flower room.


Well-Known Member
so i dont have to crawl on my knees to water and prune the bottoms. also i plan to upgrade next grow and put some 4x4 tubs on each table for eb n flow.


Active Member
Hey are you curing right now? Also i have a plant that has been budding for two months now and alt of hairs have turned but the dam thing nonstop spitting out new hairs here and there just wondering if its gonna stop or what this is my first time growing its been flowering for like 10 weeks now.