

Well-Known Member
Lol, looking good!! Although, in person they are no where near comparable to a picture. Amazing job as always!


Well-Known Member
today the local police presented me with a search warrant. i was under plant limit. i must place a door on grow room. also, i cant forget to renew my license, its almost time.

sugar babe, starting to flush. day 45ish. the most trichs i have ever seen on a plant.:bigjoint:

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Well-Known Member
today the local police presented me with a search warrant. i was under plant limit. i must place a door on grow room. also, i cant forget to renew my license, its almost time.

sugar babe, starting to flush. day 45ish. the most trichs i have ever seen on a plant.:bigjoint:
Damn man. Yeah I keep everything 100% legal too myself. Doors all have locks, I have only keys ect but...Never know when they can knock with a warrant. Any idea why they were investigating you? Who or what tipped them off? And they obviously thought it was non-medical or in violation.

Oh and the ladies look nice too, glad to see you still have them. She's got some nads in pic 1, but it's pretty common late. She's nice and frosty tho.


Well-Known Member
thats not nads. lol

i was expecting someone to say that.

that is a white pistil.

they acted on a tip from the water dept. i had them in a week ago and they seen my op.


Well-Known Member
i see no nads...all i see are some bomb ass buds, great work.

i had the Culligan Man in here a while back to fix my water softener, before he went in the basement, i showed him my MMJ card and told him i was growing legally down there, he was cool with it....i knew if i didnt he would rat me out like what the dude did to you.

i always stay 100% legal as well, to me, its not worth losing my license over.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i think that will be the route i take if it happens again. like i said though, im happy its happened. i feel more secure knowing there are no secrets.


Well-Known Member
this is oakland county MI. not oakland, cali. but in MI regardless of the region, its 12 plants per patient. im allowed 48.


Well-Known Member
they are! if they werent so heavy you could toss it to the ceiling and itd stick:) its like they are magnets, if you pick up one and put it close to another, they will cling together. LOL