Michael Sparks
Active Member

To break yourself from this psychological habit & ritual, first you must recognize combustion as unhealthy. We all know the risks associated, most of us know the benefit quitting smoking can have on our health, for some this doesn't make the process any easier, whether you are a light smoker or heavy smoker quitting can be tough..
Smoking tobacco is a psychological habit (for some) and a physical addiction (for all).
The act of smoking can be a stress relief for for some of us, coping with external stimulus e.g.(stress to meet a deadline, a problem in the moment you are unwilling to solve), and has been ingrained as a ritual (after eating or sexual actions through advertising), at the same time provides a temporary and addictive high.
To successfully quit smoking you will need to address both the habit and addiction by changing your behavior patters and coping with withdraw & habitual tendencies, along with finding alternative ways to cope with stress, depression, loneliness, fear or anxiety.
Smoking can only temporarily elevate mood, fading the sadness of stress, anxiety or depression away, as much temporary comforts cigarettes provide, it is important to remember there are healthier and more effective ways to manage unpleasant feelings we all feel the same emotions.
Some methods that have helped myself and others; for instance when I am stressed, I may talk to someone about what is bothering me if I am unable to come to a conclusion myself, why it is bothering me, what I am able to do about the situation at that very moment to alleviate the stress or anxiety, taking my mind off of the issues by writing down why it is bothering me, how can I not let it effect me, or simply how to work through the issue so it does not effect my mood and those around me further.
The alternative ways to handle these difficult feelings without seeking out a cigarette is comprehending why you feel this way, what is causing you to think the way you are, and how to get past the discomfort with out seeking to harm your body and mind.
Mediation is a fundamental skill in centering self, relaxing body and mind to realign the body & mind.
Exercising when stressed releases healing endorphins which do the body & mind good, also maintaining fitness, in many ways (psychically & mentally).
Breathing exercises is another form of mediation that helps to center ones thoughts and relives anxiety, through positive thinking & relaxation of the abdomen, focusing on breathing deep in from the nose filling up the belly.
Even when cigarettes or the need for combustion are no longer a part of your life, stressful situations will remain, it is important to take some time thinking about the alternative ways you intend to cope with difficult situations that may arise.
There are many alternative ways for consuming now available for everyone that likes & enjoys certain substances, whither it be tobacco, marijuana, damiana, salvia, we can vaporize so as not to pollute our bodies with tar or chemicals that may or may not have been used in cultivation or processing,
Here is a mantra to help you with letting go of negativity;
(focus on your breathing)
I am at peace
I feel relaxed
I do not need to pollute my body to let go of what is bothering me
I hope this helps those that truly want to better themselves.