Quietest fan on the market ?? 0 dB outside the thent please help


Well-Known Member
I have quiet line from vents 125

And my room mate cant sleep in the room...
No matter how money it is please help me suggest what extractor do I need to buy that is quietest possible...
I mean i dont want that the vent produce sound like a fly ... 0 dB outside grow tent...even air flow I dont want to hear nothing and efficency must be at max for the space ...
Can I find something like that...?

I have one chance with buy because I am in small country without any growshop in town and I cant go to shop to hear how it sound just 2 in all country and I will buy it online so please help me with choice
In country having couple of option with best find


I really dont want to blow my money to wind like I did with this quiet line fan...air flow is strong, I reduce it with women sock, that help but not much and the fan is not quiet at all...it produce unike sound that cant be used to it....

It is for my tent 80x80x160 and diy 4 cobs unit running at 200w so must be some good air flow inside it...
But really want to be 0 dB 10 cm from the thent
Hmm, your roommate and I wouldn't get along. I love a nice fan noise when going to sleep.

ok sorry, just build a silencer for your current fan. I made mine out of a tote and old memory foam mattress topper. Cut a hole in each side of tote the size of your duct. Put the fan inside tote, connect ducts on each side and run them out the holes. Fill the tote with cotton or any material that will absorb sound and put the lid on it. My 745 cfm fan is virtually whisper quiet.
I have quiet line from vents 125

And my room mate cant sleep in the room...
No matter how money it is please help me suggest what extractor do I need to buy that is quietest possible...
I mean i dont want that the vent produce sound like a fly ... 0 dB outside grow tent...even air flow I dont want to hear nothing and efficency must be at max for the space ...
Can I find something like that...?

I have one chance with buy because I am in small country without any growshop in town and I cant go to shop to hear how it sound just 2 in all country and I will buy it online so please help me with choice
In country having couple of option with best find


I really dont want to blow my money to wind like I did with this quiet line fan...air flow is strong, I reduce it with women sock, that help but not much and the fan is not quiet at all...it produce unike sound that cant be used to it....

It is for my tent 80x80x160 and diy 4 cobs unit running at 200w so must be some good air flow inside it...
But really want to be 0 dB 10 cm from the thent
Phresh hyper fan is what I use..
Most cfm per Watt and
.5 amp

Pretty dang quiet
Bu to hear nothing buy a silencer or make one..
32db @3m is damn quiet for a fan. If those figures are genuine.
All these silent fans built into a silencer are no quieter than that.

The best thing is to oversize everything and run reduced speed, you can get the set up really quiet outside the room its in but theres no way you can get it silent in the room.

I would give up to be honest, nothing you can do so that your room mate wont hear it. What your trying to do is just impractical.

Do you know what effort and cost it takes to build something sound proof? Its crazy money and crazy space and impossible for you in your situation im afraid.
Hmm, your roommate and I wouldn't get along. I love a nice fan noise when going to sleep.

ok sorry, just build a silencer for your current fan. I made mine out of a tote and old memory foam mattress topper. Cut a hole in each side of tote the size of your duct. Put the fan inside tote, connect ducts on each side and run them out the holes. Fill the tote with cotton or any material that will absorb sound and put the lid on it. My 745 cfm fan is virtually whisper quiet.
Take a tote. A great big tote. Put the roommate in it and duct tape it shut
WooZoo has a couple fans that are all but silent on low. I have their 15u and it is stupid quite on low. Only a 6" blade or so. Ocillates I have a 18u on the way a bigger unit but not by much maybe a 8 to 10 inch blade.
Okay, I see nothing of what I'm looking for.
Thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate it.

I really thought there was a bit silent and efficient on the market.
I have to look for some other methods ...
for now this is go without carbon filter but the plant really start smell since I install cobs
so I will see with carbon filter did I reduce some sound

So far, I have set soda bicarbonate in the tent and last night I first opened the window on the side of the tent while the table fan worked and it lowered the moisture by some 15% and the fan was not focused on the window.
So in the evening I mean pointing the table fan directly to the window so I can see if it helps.
I have to somehow find a way to get that stale, no fresh air that is created right away when the quietline extractor goes off ...
Well, I really hope that this small, 20w, 20w fan will throw out the air in the lower window and the air inlet will be passive through an aluminum pipe that is not in the air duct during that time ... - quiet line alu pipe

If there is any method like bicarbonate soda, or dehumidifier
I really would love to know

I can buy a highly regarded dehumidifier in the market with the power of 60w and 690ml of water per day, but I already at the forum got advice that so small units do not help anything ...
but if this is a quiet and work of the night I think it would help together with the table vent for those 8 h how quiet the line off
Agree ^^.i bought a phresh hyper rated at 710 cfm rooms only around 240 odd cfm .so it will b running about 30 odd %..those phresh are reasonably noisy when you turn em up..sounds quiet right down and will b plent for what i need...

Ps dont tell bill cosby bout your roomy on sleepys
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so if I buy prima clima 125 with speed regulation on it and put it on min. it will produce less sound then quiet line ?
Blow air into the filter instead of sucking through it? Also Iso-max fans I've had were very quiet, small clip-on fans were louder.

Prima klima fans are really loud and I'd get bigger than 125mm.
I have quiet line from vents 125

And my room mate cant sleep in the room...
No matter how money it is please help me suggest what extractor do I need to buy that is quietest possible...
I mean i dont want that the vent produce sound like a fly ... 0 dB outside grow tent...even air flow I dont want to hear nothing and efficency must be at max for the space ...
Can I find something like that...?

I have one chance with buy because I am in small country without any growshop in town and I cant go to shop to hear how it sound just 2 in all country and I will buy it online so please help me with choice
In country having couple of option with best find


I really dont want to blow my money to wind like I did with this quiet line fan...air flow is strong, I reduce it with women sock, that help but not much and the fan is not quiet at all...it produce unike sound that cant be used to it....

It is for my tent 80x80x160 and diy 4 cobs unit running at 200w so must be some good air flow inside it...
But really want to be 0 dB 10 cm from the thent
In addition to whatever fan you decide on use a couple feet of insulated ducting on both ends of it that helps the air movement noise also get 1 size bigger than you need an run it at half speed or less. It will never be completely quiet but that will be your best bet. If you can somehow mount the fan in a different room an run ducting to the tent that would work
I buy 12 V ultra silent pc vent with 2 speed and dont know how to connect it...I have 12 V addapter with 2 wire and fan with 3 black wire no color for plus and minus...I try connect every option between that 3 wire to 2 wire on addapter and fan wont turn on...

do I need maybe connect 2 wire from the vent to one wire of the addapter...because I go only with 1 from vent to 1 ftom addapter...and that didnt work

it is Ventilator ANTEC TrueQuiet UFO, 120mm