Quickie light?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I know that light breaks down the flowering hormone, but if I had a problem plant and wanted to check on it for like 5 minutes like 8 hours into a night cycle, how much damage would that do? I've just always been curious, cuz my night cycle is daytime to keep the heat down. I've just always wondered.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it being a problem either. I've done it before with no ill results. I figure that plants in nature have to deal with the moon so a quick flashlight check couldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
once in awhile wont hurt much but repeatedly will/can give you hermies, happened to me once i had a roomate peeking in on them in my tent...

light then back into darkness will 'reset' its night schedule so the sooner in the dark period u can do it the longer it will have time to recover and get back to fruiting


Active Member
Plants grow fine outside with the moon. As long as the light isn't bright enough for photosynthesis to occur it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
green light doesn't get absorbed in photosynthesis (at least not in large amounts, it's reflected which is why plants are green) so that'd be the way to go, and even then I try to just keep the entire photon count in my room at its lowest possible point during darkness


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I recently changed my lighting schedule because it was getting so hot during the middle of the day but I like to do a light misting half way between the watering cycle and was just making sure it wouldn't be harmful but I can keep it mostly dark. Always better to ask than hurt a grow ya know.