quickest way to kill/rid of algae?

my first grow and I don't want my girls to die of some disease or what not :(.
Im using hydro drip system with them in rockwool, algae has been growing just on the surface/top of the rockwool. Coverage of the uninvited guests is about 80-90% and I want them to leave. I know they're messing with my ph and bummin all the Nutes for my sour bubble, alien dog, and bubblegum and will call they're bug buddies to have a party in my tent or something.

I've heard of using hydrogen peroxide but I don't know the ratio per gallon and don't know if its safe to use in a mix of nutrients. :(
but any advice on how to safely rid of the nuisance is greatly and deeply appreciated.

Oddly, all of them seem to be thriving and doing excellent, I thought the algae would hinder them greatly but I guess they haven't...yet >:I.

hydro drip with 40 gallon reservoir (got it in hopes of doing less reservoir changes in and out of my room)
Botanicare line up
air on the plants
1000w MH light on the bubbles, T5 on dogs on 18/6 schedule
temp at 85 on average, I can't lower it without having to use more electricity unless a cost efficient way is mentioned.
All came as clones from my dispensary and spent 2 weeks under the T5 before being transplanted into larger rockwool for vegging


Well-Known Member
do you have good air movement and fresh air in you grow area? sorry don't do drippers. seems like your rockwool is to wet. Might have miss read you said on top of the rockwool?
And thank you chubby I might try that. I researched more and don't know if it could be pythium. Basically the colors I see on the top of the rockwools are black near the stem and green all around. Ill cut the water until my medium dries to see how it goes and kill the light source with the panda plastic I really appreciate the advice guys
And for stumps, my air movement is fine, air isn't as fresh because I don't have a direct source other than opening the tent two or three times a day. Im limited to how open I can grow because my neighbors are douchy


Well-Known Member
lol, funny you say they are thriving and looking good.

now, i dont run hydro, but ive got some lucky bamboos that just sit in water and i make sure they have algae in the water.

why? because the algae create oxygen for the plant, the water fairly bubbles in sun. (oxygen bubbles everywhere)ee

also, becaue the algae dont really uptake that many nutes and mostly not the same as the bamboo.

so both are thriving.
I guess I should be half concerned now because they're not as bad as most people say they are??? o_O
The live in harmony algae and crop sounds sensible, but wouldn't that increase chances of bugs or root disease?


Well-Known Member
I heard Algae was good because the Oxygen, but I also heard a lot about it being bad because how it promots root rot or some shinizzle izzle dizzle like that.


Well-Known Member
algae is NOT good in a reservoir for many reasons... Number one, it deprives the water of oxygen, it depletes it. That is why you read of fish kills in the summer after algae blooms. Algae also requires nutrients, where do you think those are coming from? And once the algae has completely slimmed up the roots, what then?

You have to stop and think when you hear something crazy, like algae being good. It is beneficial maybe in some circumstances, such as food for fish and mamals, but it is not beneficial in a home hydro reservoir...


Well-Known Member
but it is not beneficial in a home hydro reservoir...
lol...Homo hydro reservoir...lol jk naa but your right. I forgot that it was algae in the RESOVOIR, for some reason hearing it THAT way clicked in my brain about the req. oxygen and nutrient upkeep