Quick yes or no...definitely a male?


Active Member
well god damn lol... soooo being my first grow... noob question lol... do i just chop it apart throw it away... and soil wise can i reuse if i flush/clear roots out of it.... and does this plant have any use at all other then trash truck fodder?


Well-Known Member
its 100% male, no question. get it away from any female plants, put a bag over it when moving. if u want u can harvest pollen if not i always suggest taking it to a local cops garden and planting it, then a little anonymous call.


I always enslave the males and make them trim the females during harvest. Then I make cannabutter from them, I only enslave two at a time max so they don't try to revolt against me.


Active Member
well im growing in a 6x3x8 closet and being my first grow i just used bag seeds so i'ts pretty much a crap shoot right now as to the sex ... so im going to remove this plant tomorrow morning and thx for the bag over it idea.. i'll definitely do that... and im prob just gonna chop it up and throw it out live in the city so the local cops arent really known lol