Quick sun/shade question

I have a beautiful fem that started to flower when she was indoors but soon got too big for the little area I was growing in so now shes in the greenhouse my only concern is that she will go back to veg, the green house gets about 11 hours of direct sunlight.. the green house is in the shade in the morning from 7am to about 10am and then direct sunlight the rest of the day so I guess my question is will she continue to flower? Im not sure if the shade in the morning will count as part of the dark period?

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
The hours of shade and direct light doesn't really matter to the plant. If it is daylight out, the plant can "see' the light. You may have to light dep to keep her in flower. Good luck.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
in less than two weeks the days begin shorter every day. that's when i switch from inside to outside growing. always works fine for me. i run my 24 hours


Well-Known Member
I would be more concerned about the plant turning hermaphrodite due to a stressed light schedule.. your best bet as stated is to cover the greenhouse at the end of the day for a few hours and then remove