Quick Soil Question/Help


Well-Known Member
ok new seeds will help if you got to pull this cause having more plants to grow will avoid those dissapointing times when your not growing and learning. No one said you can become a gardener over night but patience is key.

Few things and that is most growers overwater, keep the soil too wet for too long, big killer of plants. Lots of perlite in the soil will help tons. Soil should be dryish every 4/5 days for good growth and what to aim for when mixing perlite in soil.

Look for new growth to be good and green with no problems. The soil will probably give you good growth for a few weeks and then your back to the ferts but not yet as plant is small and roots are few, let them spread out into the new soil first and eat all the goodies before feeding.

Dont panic and let her grow, new growers often want to fiddle around, add ferts or this or that, keep it simple and expect to fail big time. You got the right approach, learn to grow before worrying about getting some bud, growers are often in such a rush to get a smoke they dont pay attention to what to do, next grow they stuff up as well. As the saying goes, give a man a bag of rice and he'll feed his family for a month, teach him to grow rice and he'll feed his family forever. Learn to grow and you'll have weed for ever.

I find these first grows are just learning experiences, next grow will be more serious. Read up on seedlings before you get them so you know what to do from the off! As for these plants just water when they need it and leave them alone in between, dont touch it, mess with the soil or anything just watch and learn. Peace
I feel the need to put this out there... perhaps for the second time... But I didn't grow these plants. I received them 6 days ago. This has definately been a live and learn kind of situation. I got hella ripped off on these things, but there won't be a next time for this sort of... "quality".

That being said I do have 8 more seedlings going on the side... I just haven't got the veg tent set up yet. Funds are ridiculously difficult to come by at the moment. Hopefully, I will figure a way to get the money for that by this weekend though. (Hopefully) They are looking quite healthy though. On another topic, my brother and I have figured out what strains we are going to get. We're going to get Herijuana IBL and Fem Kolossus from Sannie's.

Just can't wait till these nightmares are done with, but until then I may as well learn something, since it's not likely that it will yield much.


Well-Known Member
if yoru tight on cash you need to kill them.. there wont be a yield .. just loss of time and electricity.. Those things have spider mite damage EVERYWHERE.. so now your gonna have to kill those before your seedlings can be flowered.. and the longer you keep them in their .. the worse it will get. IF your in SOCAL.. illl give you some clones.. just so you can get a good start.. but .. dealing with that is gonna cost you more then your gonna get from it.

Please dont think im trying to insult you or anything .. just trying to prevent a loss of time money and pride!
if yoru tight on cash you need to kill them.. there wont be a yield .. just loss of time and electricity.. Those things have spider mite damage EVERYWHERE.. so now your gonna have to kill those before your seedlings can be flowered.. and the longer you keep them in their .. the worse it will get. IF your in SOCAL.. illl give you some clones.. just so you can get a good start.. but .. dealing with that is gonna cost you more then your gonna get from it.

Please dont think im trying to insult you or anything .. just trying to prevent a loss of time money and pride!
While I certainly appreciate the generous offer unless you want to drive 1200 miles north I don't think that'll work. Like I said though, I respect your opinon however I am going to wait another week or two and see what happens. (The bug problem has been dealt with). Also, how would my pride be hurt by trying to fix someone elses f$#k up?

Again, no offense taken. It's hella nice of you to make such a generous offer.
Just to reassure everyone... These are some seeds I got from a good batch. (I do have more of these seeds.) They are sitting under two 6.4k CFLs and there is a fan on low just to the right of them.



Well-Known Member
Just to reassure everyone... These are some seeds I got from a good batch. (I do have more of these seeds.) They are sitting under two 6.4k CFLs and there is a fan on low just to the right of them.

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I will betcha anything if you flowered your seedlings right now they will yield more then those stretched bamboo shoots. 12/12 from seed can pull 2+ ounces..
Of course I will keep ya updated. (call it an experiment to see for myself when I need to pull it) and I have thought about flowering them now... But I am going to wait 2-3 more weeks I think. I would really like to get my new setup up and running and give my lil' ones a taste of HID lighting and watch how much more they grow... I also want to try taking some clones if they get big enough.

I gotta say the bamboo comment made me laugh my a$$ off. Gotta love humor. I have an old scope that used to be a part of an airsoft rifle scope and looking through it I see some hairs... My brother has some vague experience with these and says they just look like that but I've been getting bud from him for awhile now and never dissappoints... It was perplexing how that happens when I saw his 'product' for the first time admittedly.
I wouldn't really call is pessimism... more like reality. S'all good man. (yeah i am really quite pissed off about these plants, but tryin to make the best of a bad situation)
Yeah, so now I think I have mold of some sort... they will likely get trashed if I can't give them back. I don't want to try and save them anymore. (I've done my best and now I concede defeat)


Well-Known Member
does it look like powdered sugar on the leaves? if soo thats powdery mildew... its also systemic.. meaning like herpies.. that plant will ALWAYS have it .. and anytime the right conditions pop up ... it will show up again. Bad thing is .. if it spreads to your young plants(very easy to do ) .. all your strains will have it.. and when you hit late flower.. it will show back up and ruin your crop. Mildew cannot be smoked.. So i would trash em bro.. your little ones looked pretty healthy.. I would hate for them to get it too...

On another note.. make sure to have alot of air movement in the grow area.. it will help it from forming
Ive got plenty of air movement. Good to know about the friggin herpes... I am now very angry at my so called friend. (Want to know why i didn't want to give up he charged me 30 bucks a pop) It looks like grey dust spots...


Well-Known Member
hey your plants will be fine, keep them!! get your cfl's 6" away from the leaves so they stop stretching and start growing faster, i would say they are deficient but its only cuz your ph is so high. just get the lights closer now, it will solve half your problems. i promise you your plant will start turning around, pm me with any question and i will help, with some legit answers not guesses
hey your plants will be fine, keep them!! get your cfl's 6" away from the leaves so they stop stretching and start growing faster, i would say they are deficient but its only cuz your ph is so high. just get the lights closer now, it will solve half your problems. i promise you your plant will start turning around, pm me with any question and i will help, with some legit answers not guesses
I'm fine with the seedlings, those are fine. I'm worried about the ones in flower.. which are crap and I don't feel like dealing with it anymore.


Well-Known Member
there is no way they are root bound, the plant is not that big lol, if that pot were root bound the root system would be big enough to support new shoots, they'd be flying out everywhere. some people just keep saying ridiculous stuff... pm me i'll help you get a nice big plant, yours has a lot of potential and its on the verge of an insane comeback. i got 4 years under my belt with 3 harvest and im still reading to know more pm me for some factorial based advice. rootbound lmao i've seen that answer twice now from him what gives


Well-Known Member
Nerd I disagree with dirty.. powdery mildew is not something to play with ... especially if you have other plants growing that you care about.... Read into powdery mildew and what it has done to peoples gardens...

If you get a chance post a picture of the mildew or mold so we can verify what it is

Nerd I understand the money thing .. that blow bro.. but in the long run they are gonna cost you more then 30 each if they infect you youngins :(
I'll try to get some pictures up after the lights come back on. around 7 pm pacific time. (have to find the camera first) I'm going to try and make the guy take them back because I haven't paid him yet. If he will then they're gone.

Edit: The temps have been between 69 and 82 and the humidity has been between 40 and 55% (One day it dropped to 32% and stayed there for a day) according to my research those are numbers not really known to be favorable to mold and the like... Could it be just that they are stressed and that acted to lower their resistance to disease and such?


Well-Known Member
stressed .. and once you have active mold spores.. they will keep showing up even in good conditions ... just depends on the strains resistence.. some wont get it .. some will get it even at perfect rh and temp. Those have to be stressed from not only the mites.... they have no foilage. I wouldnt pay the guy shit.. I want just rid of them before your other girls get powdery mildew.. because the spores are airborn.. so it spreads EASILY and once one of you other girls get it .. it will be systemic.. and they will have it forever.. and the clones you take from those plants will have it too.. Not something you wanna play with ..
Those plants are gonna cause TONS more damage then what you paid for them..

BUT I CAN ONLY LEAD A HORSE TO WATER.. I cant make you drink.. if you wanna keep em and watch them destroy all your grow.. and future grows.. good luck!