quick seed/germination question


Hey guys,

I am sprouting seeds, i am currently using destilled water with a ph of 5.7 and just curious when I should start watering with nuits?

At ths moment the seedlings are about an inch tall, still have 2 seed leafs and 2 more normal leafs, some roots are just coming through the bottom of the rockwool cubes.

I am using 4 28watt t5 lights for my germination tent, how high off the top of the plant should the lights be?

They are currently about 9-10 inches away.

The strains are white widdow, jack hearer and a widdow cross.

Thanks heaps



Well-Known Member
Oh you don't need nutes for 4-5 weeks, just water them for now. But as always, don't over water, let them dry some between each.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I am sprouting seeds, i am currently using destilled water with a ph of 5.7 and just curious when I should start watering with nuits?

At ths moment the seedlings are about an inch tall, still have 2 seed leafs and 2 more normal leafs, some roots are just coming through the bottom of the rockwool cubes.

I am using 4 28watt t5 lights for my germination tent, how high off the top of the plant should the lights be?

They are currently about 9-10 inches away.

The strains are white widdow, jack hearer and a widdow cross.

Thanks heaps

What are you going to put them in...what medium? NO NUTES...I dont feed for at least 8 weeks...around the time plants show pre flowers.. I just use a good soil to get them started..the soil has enough food for them for the first few weeks. especially because they will be transplanted at least twice in that time frame


Well-Known Member
Always feed a plant in rockwool. I condition my rockwool with ph'd distilled water with a 250 ppm base nute mix. Soil is fertile and doesnt need fed, rockwool is inert and offers nothing.


Well-Known Member
root excelerator.
been watching youtube and found a guy from holland who shows 37 videos...name is...LIMBO