quick scrog question


Active Member
been doing a couple of scrogs now and there going well, 1.2m x 1.2m tent using dwc, 4 plants in 4 seperate totes,

now would it be quicker if you did 8 plants in 4 totes as in 2 plants in each tote? is it quicker, or does it not work as well as the plants have less time to mature?
would speed up the veg time but I think 4 plants in a 1.2 if u give them a decent veg is better then double number of plants but half the size, if its a time thing then 8 will save you a few extra weeks in veg.


Active Member
i mean if it would speed up by a couple of weeks with no repercussions you would obv do it, just wondering if there is any advantages to vegging 4 plants longer?