Quick question


Well-Known Member
A real good grower can get a gram per watt or more. I've gotten a little over 4 pounds on just 2 lights running at 750 watt setting. You have to learn how to prune, use beneficial bacteria, and proved your plants with co2 and use a light mover. Those are typically the few main things out of the 20,000 other things that you need to pay attention to and master besides the normal ph humidity, air circulation, and temperature concerns.


Well-Known Member
I love these questions...:mrgreen: I think you will get roughly 0-600grm. If that answer sounds vague,it's because it is.


Active Member
Depends on the genetics of the plant, how long it is vegged, how it is fed, what method (soil/hydro- organics/non-organics) is used.

You can never know ahead of time on each plant-- you CAN get a general idea of the OPTIMAL results from the breeder info...

For example: we Grow Hash Plants and LSD together sometimes. a Hash plant can produce a good 6oz easy when vegged 6 weeks-- but if I veg an LSD the same and grow her the same as I grow the Hash, she will get LESS because- despite being a bigger plant, I will have fed her the same as the Hash plant... but LSD needs more nutes to get good yields... see what I mean?
You need to know the needs of what you are growing and the variables.

You may get what appear to be bigger buds in DWC than from a clone of the same plant in Soil w/organics-- but when dry- they may weigh nearly the same.

too many variables...

best bet: really dial-in your method and look-up the breeder info. They tend to hype the yields to get better sales, so figure at LEAST 1/2 of what they say... better if you are a seasoned grower. (BUT: You aren't- or you wouldn't be asking... so figure about 1/2)

and remember- veg at least 5 weeks after they get their true leaves, use a feeding schedule, and do not over/under water/feed them...

there is a place that lists darned near every seed on the market and has the breeder info... is an alphabetical list & easy to use... may help ya! just look up your strain!



Well-Known Member
Don't take it personal. This question is posted daily by most new grower with the same "accurate" replies.

Mother Nature will decide what you harvest. Improving your gardening skills, equipment, and more experience will maximize your results.

Good luck.