Quick question


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Staff member
Is it ok to put new seedlings under a 600 watt MH a day after they came threw the dirt?
I didn't have a T5 so I put my week old seedlings under a 250 MH fairly high up. Needless to say I stunted their growth and almost killed them. If you do put them under the big light get it far away from them. But if you can invest in a set of T5's. They are wonderful for germination and seedling stage.

tony mantana

New Member
i sprout seeds with a 600 watt, and they go from start to finish...if ur hand doesnt burn when u put it ontop of your plant then youll be just fine...just try to maisntain at leat 12 inches above your plants the first week.....i have a 1000 watt light with a air cooled hood and it stays like 2 inches above my plants and the plants love it.....