quick question..


Someone told me that since my buds r starting to produce white hairs again that I need to wait to harvest. Is that true?? N he also said that if I wait the buds will get bigger... is that also true?? Its been flowering for about 9 weeks now... please help... I think I may need to harvest though cuz I have these bug looking things wit like white stuff on it... please help


IMG_20120920_213053.jpgIMG_20120920_213053.jpgSorry these r the best pics I could get since I only have my camera on my phone.. couldn't get pics of the bugs cuz I smashed whatever I found...IMG_20120920_213125.jpg


Well-Known Member
dont go by the hairs... get yourself a microscope and go by the trichomes. the crystals lol. nice buds though but the new growth is pretty cool so check the trichs