Quick question!!!


Hey my plants 17 days old now and looks pretty good, however ive been gone for 4 days and the plant looks kinda like this now > the stem at the bottom is tilted towards one direction and as soon as the leafs start the stem is tilted the other way. I dont have an oscillating fan, mine just blows against the closet wall. usually its not a problem since i rotate the plant 45 degrees every day but ive been gone for 4 days and couldnt move it. i started to put the fan here and the light there: -x > (light) the light is just tileted a little and on the left side on the plant by a couple inches. is that right or how could i get my plant to grow straight again?


Well-Known Member
Pics would help, if she's leaning I would stake it up. I had that happen to me and once I staked it up in time it grew straight.


does that look like a healthy plant. Im new to growing its my first plant so i dont have anything to compare it to. Its an auto grow northern light x big bud feminized 17 days old