quick question


Active Member
some of the leafs on my plants loook like there deteriorating from what i can see there aint no bugs i have no circulation in there could that bee the problem
i also mist them 5 times a day


Active Member
What kinda lights are u using, soil or hydro ? nutes ?
y guess if you have HID lamp and mist the alot might be it, hard to say tough with out any info.

some of the leafs on my plants loook like there deteriorating from what i can see there aint no bugs i have no circulation in there could that bee the problem
i also mist them 5 times a day


Active Member
Why no circulation desk fans and PC fans are cheap! 5 times a day is a hell of allot of misting especially w no fans. You should only mist once a day or even a couple a week if at all assuming your in veg. Misting in flower is scary because you can run into mold problems.

ibid need more info...


Well-Known Member
Always have some kind of air movement in the grow area or the plant is not getting fresh air.Get hold of a fan this will tougthen the plants makeing the stems nice and thick.If you don't have a exaust fan then at least cut a couple of fresh air holes in the room and run some ducting in this will take fresh air in while takeing all the stagnent air out.By useing ducting this will cut down on light leaks from the grow room but do the plant a world of good.A cheep way of makeing a exaust fan out of a ossalateing fan is have one ossalateing fan blowing at the hole where the ducting is this will force air out of the room.And another to keep fresh air moveing aroung the room.......................tyke..............................................................


Active Member
im doing a aeroponic system with sensi grow 2 part soulution i got 2 t5 on the top and then 3 cfls on the side im running it at almost 1000 ppm i turned the humidifier side ways and toook of the water container to make air flow the ones in the back small holes apear in the middle of the leafs