Quick question


Active Member
If i cut the seed open and pull the lil seedling out and put into dirt will the seedling still grow if i dont dmg the seedling?

i know theres easyer way to germ but im goin to try it and just wanted to know if anyone has done it.

This is not a joke question


dude, I hope you are joking. you cannot do that. there is no seedling inside the seed. it has not grown yet, the seed must be activated by moisture. not all seeds are viable, you must actually germinate the seed for it to begin to grow


Active Member
well this is what iv done. iv got like 4or 5 seeds they where in the towl for about 26hs nothing happened, so i took two of them out and had a water drip over top of what i was doin and cracked the seedling open i see the root and the two lil balled up leafs or whatever they are. can i put them into dirt and will it grow or still have them in towl


Well-Known Member
If i cut the seed open and pull the lil seedling out and put into dirt will the seedling still grow if i dont dmg the seedling?

i know theres easyer way to germ but im goin to try it and just wanted to know if anyone has done it.
You must be stoned


Active Member
dude, I hope you are joking. you cannot do that. there is no seedling inside the seed. it has not grown yet, the seed must be activated by moisture. not all seeds are viable, you must actually germinate the seed for it to begin to grow

I know im not to smart in this field but is it not the seed shell just a cover for the seedling itself


Active Member
sounds like it already germinated from that 26 hours. just give it a lil more time and itll pop out man.
i was just tryin to see if can pop that shell off and have to "dirt/water"on it to let it 100% of what it needs to grow. i now its kinda inpatiant but i had seeds befor grem for like 3 days then pop out.


Active Member
well today i look at my seeds that i poped out of there shells shit worked, it grew like wild fowers

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
i was just tryin to see if can pop that shell off and have to "dirt/water"on it to let it 100% of what it needs to grow. i now its kinda inpatiant but i had seeds befor grem for like 3 days then pop out.
Dude if you're this impatient at this early of a stage you're in for a long and troublesome road ahead of you. From my little bit of experience I think patience is one of the most important things in growing any plant. I would bet if you had waited just a little while longer those seeds would have sprouted just fine.

Good luck.


Active Member
Dude if you're this impatient at this early of a stage you're in for a long and troublesome road ahead of you. From my little bit of experience I think patience is one of the most important things in growing any plant. I would bet if you had waited just a little while longer those seeds would have sprouted just fine.

Good luck.
o i know when i put it in dirt its goig to take its time i have no porblem with that, i was not tryin to wait like 3-4 days for seeds to pop like most time 1s i got do., once its in the dirt man i'm patience. The main thing is i just waned to see if it would work. never tryed it so i just wanted to see what would happen


I have cracked soaked seeds before to help them out of heavy shells, Lowryder variety, This I got of the net, all my seeds germinated, without cracking I got 6/10


Active Member
I would bet if you had waited just a little while longer those seeds would have sprouted just fine.

Good luck.
i have a few that are germ still and have not poped and its been 4 days i see that the shell is startin to but the 1 i poped out of its shell is almost 1in alrdy.


Active Member
I have cracked soaked seeds before to help them out of heavy shells, Lowryder variety, This I got of the net, all my seeds germinated, without cracking I got 6/10

now we talkin some1 who has done it befor, so it worked for you. thats great


Active Member
well this is what iv done. iv got like 4or 5 seeds they where in the towl for about 26hs nothing happened, so i took two of them out and had a water drip over top of what i was doin and cracked the seedling open i see the root and the two lil balled up leafs or whatever they are. can i put them into dirt and will it grow or still have them in towl
Of course - put them in the dirt, or something wet and cozy, so it'll grow. Yeah - this is in fact typical of seeds! You'll have a blast reading up on it.


Active Member
Of course - put them in the dirt, or something wet and cozy, so it'll grow. Yeah - this is in fact typical of seeds! You'll have a blast reading up on it.

yea i try to put tht into dirt like say once thre like 3-4in long is this to short or to long?


The plant I am growing at the moment, took 5 days to germinate. I moisten the paper towel everyday, and on the 5th day I had a white sprout. Why not just give it more time to germinate?