quick question

yannys haze

Active Member
i'm not to sure if this is the right spot to ask this..but i was just wondering if ne body knows how to go about getting one of those medical cards in mass.? plz any advice is greatly appreciated.!!

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Wrong place brah. This would be better placed in the "Medical Marijuana" section...its 2 forums down from this one...not 2 sub-sections down, but just scroll down a bit and you will see it :)

Im guessing your from Mass then...Im from CT, you must be stoked that Question 2 passed.

yannys haze

Active Member
hell yah dude i'm stoked but now all i need is a medical card and i'll be good to grow legally but i got a kid so i wanna do it legit even tho i gt a 6 ft'r at a friends..so where do i find it

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Ya Mass. doesnt have medical cards, but your surounded by states that do; Rhode Island, Vermont, and Maine. I'm sure Massachusetts will be next for MM cards, but for now you can hold an O, and only get a fine of $100 at worst.

yannys haze

Active Member
lol yah definately so when it does pass how the hell u go about it,....jjust go to your doctor and say hey i think u should give me a medical card so i can smoke 11pot ,haha i mean i could just tell him that i have bad anxity and if i smoke b4 entering a mall or sumthing i just smoke and it goes awayhaha lol my brainyak ideas.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
I would say don't go out right and say you wanna just smoke pot. Go, and say you have bad anxiety (or what ever you have), then take what he perscibes, then wait a week, and set a new appointment saying that it didnt work, and you would like to try something else, then in a week or so call him, and say it isn't working, then get a 3rd perscription take it for a month, tell him it seems to be a little better, then after the month is up call him to set an appointment and say its bad again...then offer your idea on smoking mj :) You gotta be sly like a fox, if you go out right and ask he probably wouldn't perscribe it to you....ever.