Quick Question on Stretching...


Into my second week of my first grow. Planted 4 Caramelicious seeds directly into Farm Organic soil and all four sprouted on day 6. Three are fine, but one was stretched and is laying down. Is there anything I should do for this one besides getting the lights closer?

Are there many 50 plus year olds on this site? I'm 56....Thanks


Well-Known Member
hi Jake

The best thing you can do is place some more soil around the stretched part to help stable it some more.



Well-Known Member
yeah your best bet is to burry it enough in soil to stand up by itself
Anypart of the stem below the soil will grow roots.
So dont think of your stretched plant as weak, as it may turn out to be your nicest lady


i had a similar problem on my first grow, i took a ball point pen cut it in half length ways and then pushed that into the soil on the side the seedling falls over on


Well-Known Member
^Yep, either bury some of the stem, or support it, then add more light, or move your current lights closer. If you're using fluoros, bring 'em down very close, as close as possible, as long as the heat isn't an issue. Your plants will thank you for it, trust me. :wink: