Quick question on males and females on an indoor grow


Listen close please, I am a few weeks into flowering on an indoor grow , I know your not supposed to have more than one plant in a pot but I do and can't do much about it now, heres the question one is a female pistils all over, and the other in the same pot is a male with pollen sacks, will it hurt the female for me to pull the male out? they are in the same pot so their roots may be tangled together, could I just cut the male at the stalk and would that be alright? what should I do in this situation? hope to get an answer soon because I do not want my sacks to burst impregnating my female of the species, lol.


Well-Known Member
cutting could lead to root rot, and if they are in fact tangled, which they are more or less actually intertwined, then yea root rot could b a problem, i was wondering this myself as i just tossed a couple seeds into one pot because i have no room for two more, already have two 46" plants in seperate pots in my closet with a 600watt hps, but only room for one more pot. im interested in a good answer for this, because the only thing i can think of doing is clipping all male reproductive growth (all the pollen sacs) as it first arives, and keep doing so up until the harvest of a female (hopefully they r both female tho lol, they are only about a week or two old, but are under a 150watt hps for now(lookin great so far))

so unless my answer is the only outcome, which i doubt it is, i guess just consider this a bump lol


Well-Known Member
I agree that it could cause problems to leave the roots in. It did work for me. I had 3 plants in 1 pot and 2 ended up as males, I cut them at the soil and the last one finished just fine. Good luck!!


so would clipping the male sacks off instead of the whole plant be a better solution? this is the only male its in a pot with a female but I also have 5 other females in pots right next to it, so if the pollen busts it can pollinate all those juicy womens, should I cut out the seed pot stems, or chop at the stalk? I am wary to chop at the stalk because of possible root rot in the remaining female in the pot. I'd almost rather let it get seeds than lose it cause its a big one with tons and tons of pistils and the calyxes are starting to swell


so would clipping the male sacks off instead of the whole plant be a better solution? this is the only male its in a pot with a female but I also have 5 other females in pots right next to it, so if the pollen busts it can pollinate all those juicy womens, should I cut out the seed pot stems, or chop at the stalk? I am wary to chop at the stalk because of possible root rot in the remaining female in the pot. I'd almost rather let it get seeds than lose it cause its a big one with tons and tons of pistils and the calyxes are starting to swell

Could I get a few more suggestions before this thread dies out please?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Cut the male @ ground level - I've done it lots of times & never experienced any problems.
I routinely grow two plants per 4 gallon bucket & if one shows balls he gets the ax !
If you start trying to clip male flowers & miss just one you could be in for seeds.



ok thanks, thats the answer I'm looking for then, I just got my nutes in the mail today, from jr peters some flowering nutes blossom booster 10-30-20. I dosed the plants with about 1/4 teaspoon and they are on thier dark cycle for 12 hours, so in the morning I chop down a tree.
appreciate it!